Fantastic price Bubble from the belly of fish gulama about 2.5 Bitcoin or 80 million rupiah.

Gulamah Fish (Pseudocienna amovens)

The fishermen in the town of Lhokseumawe ,, busy looking for gulama when approaching the end of summer to be taken bubble belly because the price can reach 80 million rupiah one kilo gram.

Bubble from the belly of gulama fish, it costs about 5 million rupiah to 80 million rupiah one kilogram, depending on the quality, ", lhokseumawe pusong fishermen.

Fish Gulamah can be classified as follows: Order Percomorphi, Sub Order Percoidea, Scienidae Family, Genus and species Pseudocienna amovensis. According to Pseudocienna Weber et el (1993) characterizes Gulamah is wide-mouthed fish, teeth, big and small on the big His jaw . Gear At the tip of the maxilla, without canines.

The tip of the upper jaw, no canine teeth. It has an air bubble. The shape is oval or more like a carrot and comes with a bulge like a tree root that amounts to 22-29.Long side veins can reach 3 cm but generally 25-30 cm.Sirip Rowing fingers Hard-fingers, followed by 1 hard fingers connected with 25-28 weak fingers. Rectangular anal spines 2 and 7 weak fingers. The basic color of this fish is a grayish white with strips Wavy.It is on the upper part of the body a pale yellow form extends over the rib line.Total black at the base of pectoral fin also on the host cover.The partially partially dark yellow fin An size can reach 38 cm and generally 25-30cm.




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