LEGO Star Wars Story, Part 47: "Calm Before The Storm"

Snoke has been purged from the Empire, or so it is thought. Now in the high chambers of Palpatine the Emperor himself, traitors of the throne are being persecuted by the man himself. These two traitors are accused of being conspired with Snoke. No guards are present, the Emperor and Vader deal with the imprisoned officers. The two now in front of Palpatine beg for mercy.

The room has been repaired for it's new inhabitant Palpatine, even the throne is his own. The newly finished floor is ready to be covered with blood and corpses once again. He doesn't even listen to their pleas, guilty he says without even looking at them and Vader is ready. He puts out his arms and squeezes as if holding an invisible stick. The two officers grab their necks as they're being asphyxiated.

Mercy is not the way of the dark side. On the other side of the galaxy, Snoke is sitting comfortably as always in his cold flat stone throne. Always monitoring the dealing of the Empire which he hopes will soon be his, to be fair it already is. His newest scheme was replacing the old replacement droid with a new one which is meant to convince Vader that his master has returned...

The work is done. Snoke's associates are dead, all of them. Snoke will soon meet a similar fate, he hopes. It is now time to leave his master to his peace, now that he has finally returned. He must go to The Kuat Drive Yards where he will oversee the finalization of the Empire's newest weapon, their eight and final Super Star Destroyer. The rebellion will be crushed to dust...

A couple of rotations later, Vader is standing on the bridge of his newly out of construction Super Star Destroyer the Executor. His newest assignment is locating the hidden rebel base. He has sent out probes across the galaxy in hopes to find their hiding place and then burn it down, he can't wait to burn it to the ground. A single probe sends a holographic image of a settlement deep in the snows of Hoth...

Vader knows this is it, he senses Luke Skywalker is there, he wastes no time... An entire battalion of the best stormtroopers under Vader's command is equipped with snow armor and is immediately transported to the All Terrain Armored Transports, known as AT-AT-s. Vader walks in front of his minions occasionally saying something meant to be inspirational. It is time to crush the rebellion once and for all! War is coming...

To be continued...

Part 46:

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