The Dying Trees [open source interactive story] continued

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... "No, I don't think I understand."

The creature sighs. "Tell me what you do understand."

Hesitating to answer, you have a question of your own[...]

"There are some things that I do understand, but before I tell you that, answer a question of mine.
WHY do you have to approach us in such weird ways, or through such weird beings, experiences and circumstances?" The young man asks.

"It seems weird to you because your Mind has grown an materialistic view point of the whole World. You think that Physicality is the generative aspect of Existence only because you can't see the Fine Spiritual World which gives birth to every physical thing out here."
"Yet, you seem to think you understand something. What's that?" Asks the Dryad curious about what the young adventurer is about to say.

"It is true that I do not yet see the Finer Spiritual World." The adventurer confesses.
"And it is also true that I do tend to think that the world is entire Physical in nature. But I also have moments of Spiritual insights where I can understand that God, being ALL that there is, had fragmented into this Infinite number of individualities so that it may Know Itself. And I can see that I am One, yet I resemble the Whole, in a fractalized manner." Says the young adventurer, with a glimmering spark in his eyes.
"Yet", he continues, " I have to understand why these strange ideas have to be interesting only for green Dryads and glowing mushrooms." Shaking his head.
"No sane man has listened to these ideas of mine without bursting into laughter at me. Those were the kind ones. Some religious folk would even threaten you with violence for just contemplating such 'blasphemous thoughts"."

Surprised by what has been said, the Dryad replies "You have a somewhat True Idea of what's going on." says smiling. "But it is only and Idea to you right now. You have to Live and have your own Experience regarding to what you have said, so that you may Know beyond any shadow of doubt the Truth of those Words. Until then, you will still look at it as a possible explanation."

The Dryad, switching to a tone of seriousness asks; "Do you understand how important personal experience really is?"

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