TV reality - how it is to be on set?

Perks of vfx job.

Some time ago I was able to work as on set vfx supervisor. I was sent to the beach. There were some actors, alot of crew members and not much to do. (This commercial didn't need extensive vfx postproduction). So, in a way, this was a 2 day chillout for me. Well. Even if there was massive work to do, who would complain. After all thats how the place looked like:




This was an ice cream commercial. Nice girls, music, sun, dj. Alot of dancing and laughing. Who wouln't like to be a part of it. After all not every job sents you to chill out by the sean even though the summer is long gone.

Back to reality.

Exactly. The summer was long gone, and it was no California Beach. It was little Polish town and it was 15C degrees outside. Actors were freezing, the wind was literally covering our tracks with sand. This is how it actually looked like:




This shows you exactly how fake the tv is. Fake and creative of course.

I love that you can make a tropical beach in the middle of northern Europe. I love how they make summer ads in freezing september and no one will even notice.


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