So I made a short film some time ago.

This is a simple story with complicated outcome.

A joke if you wish. I made it as a bachelors exam project. Have a look and I'll tell you a little story of making your dreams come true below :) I hope you have as much fun as I had doing it.

This one night was exciting. We had 2 simple lamps, 2 Canons 5D mark III and a dolly. Everything was recorded mute, because there was alot of noise from a rebuild of the parking lot in the background. Everyone on set were my friends who wanted to take part in it. Everyone had alot of laugh.


Because this was 'a one night stand', we had to have everything planed. There was a storyboard ready on Ipad, there was a friend with the script - keeping a track of every shot we had to record. There was another friend doing some set photography.

storyboard page.jpg


Because my bachelors exam was mainly about vfx, there were some cgi involved aswell. CGI plane in the background to fill in in the wide shots (there was no airport near the parking lot). There were some muzzle flashes and some flying bullet cases to add.

compo 2.jpg

compo 3.jpg

Why would I write about it now you'd ask? That's just some easy to do vfx, some totally not complicated story.

I wanted to share this with you because its few years later and this was one of the short movies which secured me my dream job. Because those people and this kind of simple story are the reasons I can drive my dream car now. And because I want to show you, that everyone can do this. So really, keep doing what you love. Even if it's a movie with 'the fart joke twist' :)


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