Good evening dear friends and so on the air

ood evening dear friends and so on the air our psychological program about life and you greet me philosopher psychologist Anna Valentinovna Kiryanova dear friends a series of holidays a series of gifts some favorably affects our mood and state And some on the contrary somehow oppress us make us upset worrying about experiencing everything depends on what is the meaning of the gift and who does not exclude it that this gift bears the most powerful negative psychological charge of the history of gifts in general are full of about the whole history of mankind in the 13th century Roger Bacon The great scientist invented of course first thing he gave them to the Pope after that he was immediately imprisoned because as the Pope said. A person should see the world with what eyes the Lord gave him and not through such glasses an unpleasant story with a gift was also made by the Marquis de Sade, he wrote such monstrous works and it was on his behalf that the word sadism occurred. When the revolution took place, Napoleon liberated the annoyance o

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