The Curious Case of Edward Mordrake: The Knight of Two Faces.

A greeting and happy day friends, today I heard talk about a gentleman named Edward Mordrake, a curious case in the style of American Horror Story. In this case even the least that could be said, could go unnoticed as one more of the pile, but without doubt is not at all like that.

Edward was born in England in an unknown year, but his birth was special because he was an heir of the nobility and firstborn male of said lineage. Many people, both their own and strangers were given the task of visiting the child because everyone wanted to be the first to see it, but undoubtedly just at the time of delivery the crowd exalted, including the doctor in turn. From the entrails of this woman had come a small, apparently healthy, except for a great and curious detail: that child was born with what seemed to be the remains of his twin brother, right at the nape. A common case of parasitism.

As it was a very old time, an extirpation of the remains of his brother was very improbable, and instead the Mordrake family decided that his son grew up with that small detail, but what they did not know is that this was the worst mistake that They could commit.

According to the accounts of the time, it is said that Edward grew up and developed as a normal child and later as a completely normal young man, but little by little his destiny began to draw and next to him the nightmare was about to begin. A truly atrocious and terrifying nightmare.

It is said that Edward was a very intelligent young man, a master mind capable of solving many mathematical, philosophical problems and that also possessed virtues for musical instruments but from one day to another the young man began to manifest introverted behaviors, to the point of being secluded by Complete and isolate himself from his family. It is said that along with this behavior came a request accompanied by endless doctors to have his twin parasitic removed, which obviously refused to do so an operation of such nature, in those years, was extremely dangerous.

The rumor recounts that one day Edward was crying towards the doctor, the young man's emotional state was on the floor and what appeared to be a ridiculous attempt to persuade the doctor, ended up forever engraving in the mind of the doctor. The young man looked into his eyes and with a broken heart begged him to remove the head of his brother, the doctor full of doubts, asked him what was the reason for his insistence, and especially why at that point. Edward responded with anxiety that he wanted to be released from that "diabolical head", at first it did not bother her, she was just there, but the nightmare was already beginning. Edward said that his head waited until there was no one and everything was in shadow, until bedtime, just then, that head spoke to him, saying bizarre and grotesque things, demonic things with chilling laughter.

The doctor remained firmly shaped, yet he flatly refused to perform the risky operation, condemning Edward to the worst of hell suffered in life.

Until the inevitable happened, it is mentioned that Edward no longer endured and committed suicide, some mention that he took poison and others more than hanged himself in the iron palace. His last wish was that they should not put a tombstone on his grave and, obviously, that they would at last remove his twin face, for he was afraid of finding it after his death. Over the years Mordrake's story transcended all boundaries by inspiring complete classical sonatas, or Harry Potter and opera themes. The strangest thing of all is that although there is not much information on the case, and many are called false, it appears in medical anomalies and in several other books.

The truth is that there have always been cases of genetic malformations, so personally, I think that this story must have part of reality and part of myth. Undoubtedly may to some extent this story is real, but was deformed with the passage of time, at the same time nothing more to say than life there are very strange cases that are often more real than you think.

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