**Fishing in The River

Fishing in the river has long been a hobby occupied by many people. In addition to the cost is quite cheap, also because fishing in the river demands extra patience. The taste of the fish was quite tasty and tasty.

There are several things that need to be prepared for fishing in the river, the preparations include preparation of equipment and mental preparation. Preparation of equipment is usually a tool that needs to be taken when fishing in the river. The tools are:

Hook to install the feed to be eaten by the fish. The size of the hook depends on the type of fish to be fished, for fishing in rivers usually use a hook that is small and medium, because fish in the river rarely there are big fish.
Jeujeur which means wood or long bamboo used as an extension of the fisherman's hand in order to place a hook in a place that is considered a lot of fish. Fishing in the river does not need expensive jeujeur, because the power of fish in the river is not as good as fish in the sea.
Fish feed in the form of worms. Some anglers also commonly use fried and taro leaves for fishing in the river. The better the quality of fish feed is of course the greater the opportunity of the angler to get the fish.
Buckets containing water to keep the fish successfully fished while fishing in the river.
Mental preparation for river fishing is equally important as well. No matter how good the equipment used for fishing in the river, if not accompanied by good mental preparation, will only lead to futility.

Anglers must be ready alone. Fishing in the river must be solitary because the character of wild river fish, usually very vigilant with the slightest movement. Therefore you should not be surprised to see the angler fish in the river willing to sit silently sitting alone alone for hours just to get the fish.
Anglers must be brave. Fishing in the river mostly done at night, because at that time the fish was in a condition of careless and easy to fishing.
Angry anglers will definitely think twice for night fishing alone. You know that right? if at night it's time for the jinn to roam around, and favorite places of jinn roam one of them in the river.
Anglers must be steadfast. Fishing character in the river is different from fishing in the sea which is a lot of fish. Fishing in the river must be willing to sit for long just to get one fish, because the fish in the river is very small in number and size small.
However, there are several other important factors that determine the success of the angler while fishing in the river, which is the fly fly the angler itself and fate. To get the two things the angler in addition to diligent fishing in the river, should also get closer to the Creator and the Regulator rizki, because He is the governing human rizki.

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