The Incredible potential in Fantasy & RPG


So, good folks. I was just watching my little brother playing Assassins creed and one thing struck me, a thing that has struck me before all ready more than 10 years back when I was playing World of Warcraft. What struck me is the immense amount of energy and creative potential that is spendt within the RPG genre.

I grew up in Scandinavia and were at times frequenting shops like Avalon and Outland in Norway and when I reflect upon the incredible amount if creative talent and potential that is used on RPG , Sci Fi and Fantasy I come to wonder :

What if all this potential would be used to actually create a new and more interesting world?

The Fantasy, Sci Fi and RPG genre is so full of visually appealing designs and illustrations that it would be more than enough to create actual architectural drawing, clothing designs, weaponry, handicrafts and much much more. Combine this pool or hub of creative potential with the heavy metal genre and in particular the part that deal with dragons and knights and you will have every little bit of a new organic and more real culture.


The Fantasy genre is often very historically correct and is the genre that I know of that revere bygone days more than any other. I feel the fantasy genre, be it in movies, music or rpg ‘s represent the longing for something real in this world, something less plastic. (This does not go for scifi though) but the various fantasy related genres often include things I think we long for like: animal taming and tanning of hides, hunting, trade, the touch of organic material toward our body like leather, wool, felt or other materials. Sure it was not SO romantic and an occasional plague were always around the corner our modern life so much better and is it better for everyone?


Folks! Feel free to comment on the topic!
What could our modern rpg, fantasy potential be used for?

What is the longing behind fantasy and RPG?

To show some of the potential hidden in the Fantasy genre, take a look at other good steemits on the topic:

Have a good one


Ps: all images are free stock images from deviantart.

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