Bozart | Yellow Kid Murderer: 04

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Yellow Kid Murderer

created by BOZART

[Last scene of the last chapter]

I suddenly realized that I had been talking about The Yellow Kid with the woman the whole time.

"Excuse me.”

I turned around to face the woman, but when I looked to where she had been sitting, no one was there.

The woman had disappeared.

I jumped from my seat and ran towards the back door and opened it.

It was pitch black outside.

When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was able to see that I was standing in a parking lot.

In front of me, everything was silent and still.



With disappointment filling up my chest from losing sight of the woman, I slumped back to the police station.

When I walked back into my office, the subordinate officer who I was talking to on the phone approached me with an embarrassed look.

"What the hell happened?"

The officer looked down at his feet and spoke softly.

"Um... actually, more than that..."

I put my hands on my hips and my voice filled up with anger and annoyance.

"What else?"

The officer still looked dumbfounded by the situation as he spoke.

"The suspect turned herself in."

I stared blankly at the officer, my mouth opened in shock.

"Wh- What?”

"Just a little while ago, a woman walked into the police station on her own two feet, admitting that she was the perpetrator.”

My face grew red with anger.

"Does this make sense to you right now?!"

"I- I don't think it makes sense either but..."

The officer continued slowly and carefully.

"She told me that you would come back to the police station shortly and..."


"She said that she would explain everything to you."

"And? So?"

"For now, I've kept her in the interrogation room."

I instinctively turned my head toward the interrogation room.

The officer continued talking nervously.

"But you actually turned up at the station. I was so shocked..."

At that moment, I realized something strange.

"Hold on. Have you been referring to the serial killer as a 'she'?'"

"Why yes, I-"

The officer stopped before finishing his sentence and took a deep breath.

"I think it would be best if you go to see the situation yourself.”

Before the officer could finish his sentence, I had already started walking toward the interrogation room.

When I opened the door, I was met with a sense of familiarity as I laid my eyes on the table in the middle of the room.

And on one side of the table sat the criminal.

"You came later than I thought."


It was THAT woman...

... the one that I had been talking with at the restaurant.

She sat comfortably, seemingly not phased by the situation.

She motioned toward the empty chair across the table.

"Come and sit."

Without a word, I slowly walked up to the chair and sat across from her.

At that moment, my head was spinning with so many different questions and I didn't know what to ask first.

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by her voice.

"What time is it now?"

I stared at her, stunned.


"What time is it?"

I stared at her blankly before my eyes turned toward the clock hanging on the wall.


"12:15 you say... and it was just a little past 10 when we first met.”

The woman leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed in front of her.

"It seems like we have enough time."

“Enough time? For what?”

The woman didn't respond to my question but instead continued talking.

"I want to give you a suggestion."

"Pardon? What kind of suggestion?"

The woman pointed at one of the cameras in one corner of the room.

"If you turn off that camera for an hour, I'll give you all the information you want.”

"Excuse me? Are you crazy?"

"I think this is rather advantageous for you, don't you?"

The corner of her mouth curved into a smile.

"After you turn off the camera, you can ask or do anything you want. I'll promise that."

After much thought, I finally responded.

"Fine. But just for one hour."

I stood up and walked to disable the camera.

When I sat back in my chair, the woman started speaking.

"Let's start with the most important questions that you've been wanting to ask. I'll answer all of them."

I looked at her before slowly asking a question.

"Why did you kill them?"

The woman smiled.

"I'm a very fair person."

Her smile suddenly turned cold.

"I don't kill just anyone."

I proceeded to ask another question.

"Then why did you kill the ones that you did?"

She leaned over the table.




"Because they lied."

(to be continued...)

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