My Life in Law Enforcement: A True Life Story #10 Subject Control...Awkwardness

Hey guys and welcome back to another chapter of my lae enforcement stories. In the last chapter, we left off talking about how a couple of my classmates used extremely poor judgement, caused havoc in the police department and almost got kicked out of class. We also went over Felony Vehicle Stops, in case you missed it, you can read it here...

Today we will be talking about the "Subject Control" block of instruction. This was another block that I was looking forward to because as if you have been reading since chapter 1, I was really in to martial arts prior to starting rookie school, so this should be right up my alley.

I have an interesting story about me and this particular instructor I will share at the end of this chapter...

This was a fun class because we partnered up with a classmate and practiced cool moves all day, some more practical than others. The thing that many people don't understand with martial arts or really any self defense or offensive skill is that if you don't continue to practice the moves and become fluid with them to where they're second nature after you learn them, then they will basically be useless when it comes time to use them. I used to be a brown belt back in my prime but do you think that I can still do some of that shit today? Hell naw! It's the same thing with cops! If they don't practice what they learned when they get out of school, then their techniques will fade away.

Me and a couple of other officers would get together on our days off and train with each other. We would practice gun take-away techniques and several other practical scenarios that were relevant to the job. There were a few techniques that were shown in class that I never even attempted in my entire career just because. But there were others that I used countless times like the one pictured above. Not everyone was handcuffed like that, only the ones that requested it :)
There were a couple of pressure points that came in handy to know and that I actually used several times in my career. I know you guys just love my art skills so here is another drawing to help illustrate my point. This pressure point comes in really handy when you have someone that doesn't want to sit down in the back of the car after being told to do so. In between the Adams Apple and the breast bone or collar bone (I don't know my bones, sorry.) there's a small pocket. If you stack your middle finger on top of your index finger for strength and push in and down on that pocket (almost like you're trying to hook the collar bone with your fingers), your prisoner will be glad to follow your orders then. For some unknown reason, this pressure point doesn't effect women as much as it does men.

One of the not so fun activities in this block was when we had to fight the "Red Man."

Basically we had to "try" and fight the instructor while he was wearing this protective suit for so many was exhausting. We would do different drills where he would attack us with a baton and there would be other times where we would do nothing but attack him with a baton. Ugghh...

I'm running out of time and won't be able to go in to detail about this next part but I will at least tell you the meat and potatoes of it.

I recognized my subject control instructor to be an officer that had charged me in the past with second degree trespassing. This had been several years prior but I remembered him and I don't see how he could not remember me because I was such a dick at the time. I will go in to detail about what happened and how I wound up getting charged tomorrow.

This post is part of a series of posts that will cover a large portion of my life beginning just before starting my law enforcement career. The content and pictures posted in said articles belong to @bluelightbandit. If you haven't read the prior posts, I highly recommend that you check those out to catch up to speed, thanks!

First post:
Second post:
Third post:
Fourth post:
Fifth post:
Sixth post:
Seventh post:
Eighth post
Ninth post:


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