My Experience With Some Bad Cops...A True Story Chapter 10 a

Hey guys! In yesterday's post, I talked about starting the subject control block of instruction in rookie school and realizing that my subject control instructor was someone that I had dealings with in the past. If you missed yesterdays post, you can read it here

Today I will go in to detail about what happened and why I was charged with a couple of misdemeanors back in the day when I was a little more of a bad boy so to speak.

This incident took place back in the 1990's when I was working in a textile mill as a shipping supervisor. I was young at the time and even though I was mature for my age, I was still immature in many ways and thought that I knew everything.

The truck in the background is what I was driving at the time just to give you and idea and to paint a picture for you. This will come in to play later in the story.

As with any place in the world, young people have a place to cruise or hangout. In my area, we had a stretch of business highway that everyone loved to cruise up and down to show off their cars and sound systems. There were also a few parking lots that you could gather in but only a few. The majority of the business' didn't want any loitering for obvious reasons. The few that did allow it were usually packed with nowhere to park so you just cruised up and down the strip all night long unless other mischief opportunities became available.

On this particular Friday night, my buddies and I were cruising up and down the strip when we met at Taco-Bell just to talk for a minute. Keep in mind young guns, the only cell phones that were around at the time were bag phones and mounted car phones. Even though my truck had a mounted phone inside, I didn't like using it because it was expensive and only one of my other friends actually had a cell phone too so... We communicated by flashing our lights at each other and by turning in to a parking lot real quick.

All of my friends worked 3rd shift at either the same plant that I did or another one close by. It seems like it was around 9 or 9:30 at night when we met in the parking lot. We were talking about getting something to eat but we didn't want Taco-Hell. One of the guys suggested that we ride over to the grocery store, buy some deli sandwiches and drinks and just eat out in the parking lot. I was easy to get along with so I was all for it and even suggested that everyone could sit in the back of muh truck while we ate and socialized. Sounds like a good idea, eh?

We get to the grocery store and each person buys what they want for supper before going in to work. Once we get outside and start eating our supper, a man pulls up in an old Toyota Corolla, rolls his window down and tells us to move along. The man was wearing plain clothes, didn't identify himself as anyone special and just drove off. I chuckled and said "Who in the fuck does he think he is?"

We all brushed it off but also watched the man go to the opposite end of the plaza. We were in a strip mall where there were many stores in one huge parking lot. We were parked at the very back side of the parking lot, the furthest away from the stores so we wouldn't be taking up valuable parking places.

The man comes back through and once again says "I told you guys to move along." I looked at the man and told him that we would leave as soon as we were finished eating. Apparently my response was not to his liking so he parks his car and gets in my face trying to intimidate me. I told him that I don't know who you think you are but we went in to that store, bought their products and are now consuming their products in their parking lot, how are we doing anything wrong here? We're not bothering anyone and we all have to go to work in just a few minutes anyway. He acted like he couldn't care less about anything I said and demanded that I leave the premises. His aggressiveness fueled my fire and I honestly felt like we were doing no wrong and we were being targeted just because we were young and the way our vehicles looked. I told him that I was not going anywhere until I was finished eating my supper. I turned to my friends and told them to go ahead and leave before they got in any trouble. Once they were gone, they man demanded to see my driver's license and I told him that I wasn't showing him anything. I told him that I was leaving and that I had to go to work. He said that I have been banned from this parking lot indefinitely so to never come back. I was like "whatever" and went on my way.

The next weekend I was riding up the strip when I saw a girl that I was interested in and was trying to become friends with. She was parked close to the parking lot that I was technically banned from it is really hard to tell if it's even the same parking lot because of how it's laid out. She was kind of in between the strip mall and another plaza if that makes any sense so I thought I was good to go. Plus,it was still daylight and I didn't think that Dick was even around at that time. Boy was I wrong! Old mighty Dick rushes up and quickly gets out of his Corolla, trying to impress the girl I was talking to I imagine and says "I thought that I told you to never come back to this parking lot again?!" The girl that I was trying pick up kinda liked bad boys so here was my opportunity to impress her I guess. I told him that I wasn't in the parking lot that you banned me from, this is a different one and plus, I don't even know who the fuck you are. This pissed Dick off pretty bad and told me to wait right there and that he was going to have an officer to come and write me a ticket. I looked at him and said "Just mail me a ticket, asshole" and left. Apparently my bad boy charm worked on the girl because I ended up marrying her and she's still my wife today. To be honest, I was a little concerned that I was going to get a ticket in the mail lol. I mean, can they do that? No!

So a week goes by and I laid low during the week but I just couldn't stay away from my friends during the weekend. I worked all night Friday night, stayed up all day Saturday and cleaned up my ride to get it ready for cruising later on that evening. I met my friends at Wal-mart where they parked their vehicles and jumped in muh truck. I had about 6 people in the back and someone in the passenger seat beside me. As we're making a lap, we begin to turn in to Burger King parking lot when I see a police car with it's blue lights on blocking traffic. I said "Oh shit, he's looking for somebody." Well that somebody was me! He pulls behind me and I go to the next business over where it's not so crowded and I swear it was like I was on America's Most Wanted or something, like three more cop cars come flying in, surrounding me with their lights shining in my face. The man that I had a run in with in the parking lot on Friday night gets out of one of the cop cars with an officer and says "That's him, that's the guy!" From this point forward, I will refer to the man that I dealt with in the parking lot on Friday night as...Dick.

Dick says "Give me your license!" I assertively said "I'm not giving you anything!" This struck a nerve with the officer that initially pulled me over in the first place which is or was my subject control instructor in rookie school. From this point forward I will refer to the subject control instructor as Gaylord. Gaylord said "Hand over your license." I politely told Gaylord "Sir, I don't mind talking to you or giving you my license but this man (Dick) has failed to identify himself as any type of authority figure and I just don't submit to any person with such a complex as his. Gaylord didn't have much to say really. After Gaylord took my license it was just some pretty tense waiting really. I think Gaylord told Dick not to talk to me because it was obvious he was going to make the situation worse. Gaylord comes back with my license and ticket for second degree trespassing. I felt sick to my stomach. I've never been in trouble with the law before, other than one speeding ticket in high school.

Come to find out, Dick was a probation officer and he was moonlighting as a security guard for the shopping plaza. I hired an attorney that was a total waste of money. I basically plead guilty and the judge granted me a prayer for judgement in exchange for the plead. If I could go back in time, I would have taken the case to trial and beat the charge all to hell by myself, without the help of an overpaid attorney. But, hindsight is 20/20 and I didn't know any better at the time. The case would have been thrown out just for the fact that he never identified himself as any type of authority figure or person in charge of said property in question alone.

This is a long story and I don't want to burn everyone out so I will finish the next part tomorrow where I get charged with another misdemeanor later on. To be continued

I wasn't planning on adding these details in the original chapters of my law enforcement stories. But now that I've written them, I may just amend them in since they're relevant. At the bottom of this page you will find links to all of my chapters to my Law Enforcement Stories, starting from the beginning to current. Thanks and have a great day! @bluelightbandit

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