Is it a matter of Quantity or Quality?

"Quantity is something that is counted, the Quality is with who we count" so my father told me a few years ago when I wondered about the differences between these two important words. As far as I'm concerned, when I asked about this subject, I do not think I understood exactly what my father wanted to tell me, despite being simple I think I did not understand the fact that I still did not know the context in the that I was going to use this Great Phrase!

It is very common in me to try to share the things that have helped and benefited me in the course of my young life. That is why I would like to share with you about this phrase that my father once expressed to me and that has helped me a lot when making decisions as "What will I do with my life?" Or as some people say it, "The Great Crossroads"

Realizing our project of life we find that there are three different types of people having different perspectives, which I would call as follows:

"The Blessed One"

He is the person who knows what to do and where he is going. Your mind is clear, like the water of the beach Varadero de Cuba (A real paradise). Like this beautiful beach, there are very few people like these.

"The Simple"

He does not have a flash of light on what he wants to do with his life, but in the end he does not care either, everything does not matter. These people usually say, "I will take a sabbatical"

"The Gluttonous"

He has more or less the idea of what he wants to do with his life, he has many options. The problem is that he wants to make all the available options and doesn't focus on a specific one, if he doesn't realize it, chances are that in the end he will end up knowing a little of each one but not complete any of them.

Personally, when I was in front of the crossroads I think I was like a "Glutton" had a few possible goals in mind and I was about to not realize that if I continued this way, I would end up not doing anything, but at that moment The phrase my father had told me a few years ago bore fruit.

I had been thinking that I liked the kitchen, so I could be a chef, I spent a lot of time on the computer and I was attracted, so being a computer engineer would not be bad, I was good at math too, I liked the economy And well ... a few more, among those being Plane Pilot. But we all know that I could not do everything at the same time, so I found myself in a context suitable for the phrase expressed by my father: "Quantity is something that is counted, quality is what is counted" could try to perform This amount of races but in the end leaving them in the middle, so I would not be able to count on them. Thank God I decided on one and little by little I am advancing towards the goal.

To end…

I don't say that having multiple professions is bad, much less expanding our knowledge. What I mean is that we can not try to do everything at once and be in the middle, it is better that we focus on choosing one, but complete it. It is better to finish one only than you started to start many and not finish them.

Steve Jobs once said: "Quality is more important than quantity. A home run is much better than two doubles "

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