the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

During the voyage of Christopher Colombus, while crossing the Bermuda triangle area, one of his crew members said he saw "strange lights glowing on the horizon".

Some people say they have observed something like a meteor. In his notes he wrote that the navigation equipment did not work properly while in the area.

The various loss events in the area were first documented in 1951 by E.V.W. Jones from Associated Press magazine. Jones wrote an article about a mysterious loss event that hit the airplanes and the sea in the area and called it the 'Satanic Triangle'. It was reopened the following year by Fate Magazine with an article by George X. In 1964, Vincent Geddis called the area a 'deadly Bermuda Triangle', after the term 'Bermuda Triangle' became the so-called term.

Lloyd's of London marine insurance company states that the Bermuda triangle is not a dangerous ocean and the same as the ordinary oceans around the world, provided that it does not carry transport beyond the provisions when it passes through the area. The coast guard confirmed the decision. The explanation is considered reasonable, coupled with a number of observations and case investigations.

Another explanation of some of the mysterious disappearances of aircraft and ships is the presence of methane gas in the territorial waters. This theory was first published in 1981 by the United States Geological Survey. This theory was successfully tested in the laboratory and the result satisfied some people about a plausible explanation of the mystery of the disappearance of planes and ships passing through the region.

Some say the Bermuda Triangle is caused because the place is a UFO base of a group of aliens / aliens who do not want to be harassed by humans, so that any vehicle that passes through the territory will be sucked and kidnapped. Some say that the cause is due to the existence of the largest magnetic source on earth that is embedded under the Triangle

Bermuda, so that ton-ton metal can be drawn inward. And even some say the Bermuda Triangle is the center of the meeting between the flow of cold water with the flow of hot water, so it will result in a large whirlpool / terrible.

Although some theories are thrown, nothing is satisfactory because of the additional appearance of such a shining foreign object that surrounds the plane before contact with the watch tower is lost and the plane disappears.

One of the most famous and enduring stories in many mysterious cases of loss of airplanes and ships passing through the Bermuda triangle is Flight 19. Flight 19 is an air force unit of five United States naval bombers.

The flight was last seen on takeoff in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 5, 1945. Aircraft on Flight 19 was systematically made by aviation and marine experts to deal with adverse situations, but suddenly easily disappeared after sending out reports of strange symptoms, was unreasonable.

Since the planes on Flight 19 were designed to float in the ocean for a long time, the cause of the loss was thought to be because the flight was still floating in the ocean waiting for a calm sea and clear sky.

Afterwards, a rescue team was sent to pick up the flight, but not only the 19th Flight plane that had not been found yet, the rescue team also vanished. Since the accident in the navy is mysterious, it is considered "the cause and reason unknown".

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