"My elderly mother cannot walk. I have carried her on my back for the past seven days..." - Rohingya Myanmar to Bangladesh


My elderly mother cannot walk. I have carried her on my back for the past seven days. I had to carry her all the way. She lost weight, became light, but I became weak after seven days of a desperate journey over muddy roads, through the jungle, crossing canals on foot.

We hadn’t eaten at all. I sometimes begged others we fled with for food, and they gave small portions of the little they had.

Some people carried rice with them, and mixed with pond water, we were fed for a few days. But three days ago the rice ended.

The Myanmar military killed my only brother, Azad, and set fire to our entire house. They took our cattle and everything we had.

I cannot carry my mother anymore. I am so tired now without food and water. We don’t know how long we have to walk like this. I don’t know how long my mother will survive like this. I wish God would show his mercy on us. - Rasid (25)

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