Hello friends of steemit !!! On this occasion I want to share with you this little story of love, drama, motivation, blessings, etc ... If you liked the previous story: (When I met you). .Surely this will face them ...


Carlos Zambrano, is a 23-year-old boy who lives alone, in a small apartment in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela ... Carlos is also the only son of Alejandro Zambrano, and Ana Colmenares, who live abroad.

Carlos recently studied at the Central University of Venezuela: Electrical Engineering, fortunately Carlos has many monetary resources because his parents are owners of a large company abroad, and Carlos also works part-time at a power plant in Caracas.

(Well, knowing who Carlos is, let's go to the beginning of this story for him).

Three years ago, Carlos lived in Santa Lucia, located in Miranda state, along with his parents. Carlos was walking one morning to the GYM, when at the same moment he met Sofia Romero, who was very close to him, and Sofia considered him a great friend but there was a small problem! Carlos wanted to have something more than friendship with Sofia.

Carlos invited Sofia to go with him every day for him GYM. Every day when Carlos went to look for Sofia to go to the GYM together, he mentally said:

Oh my God Sofia has a perfect body!

That was why Sofia was an 18 year old girl who was very sexy, after 3 months of hard training Carlos saw the results, and Sofia too. They both wanted sexually, until the day when Carlos decided to accompany Sofia to his house after training in him GYM ...

Luckily for Carlos there was nobody in Sofia's house, Sofia invites Carlos to go for some energy drinks since it was the most recommended after training, Carlos sat on a sofa in the living room, while Sofia brought the drinks who looked in his refrigerator, Carlos said in a low voice:

  • This is my chance to have something with Sofia ...

While Sofia thought mentally:

  • I can not resist, he's so handsome and strong.

Then the incredible happened: Carlos took Sofia by the hand and pulled her towards him, sitting her in his lap and kissing her passionately until a few seconds, when they knocked on the door (she was Sofia's mother together with her father).

Carlos could not believe it! He was so close to being with Sofia but his parents had ruined him the moment, quickly Sofia tells Carlos to go out the window so that his parents do not see him in there with him, when Carlos finally leaves, while Carlos He walked down the street on his way home feeling very angry, but at the same time happy about what had happened with Sofia, Carlos when he arrived at his house where his parents were waiting for him with great news, what would really be a big surprise for him .

Hi Carlos ! how was your day ?. Those are the first words that Alejandro and Ana tell them when Carlos arrives home. We have great news for you Carlos! Carlos happily for what happened to Sofia asks them:

  • Dad mom ! What is that great news?

Ana and Alejandro respond instantly:

Carlos, you know that we love you very much, and that's why we decided what tomorrow your father and I will move to Spain, because of work!

  • Carlos: And what will happen to me?

  • Ana: we have bought an apartment in Caracas, there you will study and work so that you are a good man ...

Carlos destroyed just thinking about how he finally managed to get close to Sofia, but he had to abandon that dream of being with her only because his parents had planned his life for his good ... (but Carlos did not agree with that planning ).

What do you think will happen after this first part of: "THE TRUE OPPORTUNITY"?

Well if you liked the story I recommend the next part! Which will be in my next post ...


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