
How'd you like me telling you exactly what you did in the story of Light That Fire 7?
Were humans to tell ME a story that tells ME what I do, I would view it, in almost all cases, as a breach of personal sovereignty. Because I believe in something called Absolute Mutual Sovereignty. The combination of words is something I have defined myself. It means I am someone deserving of absolute respect ~as are you. There is no real right that gives authority over another being ~ultimately only force ~and force is an immoral and disrespectful action to apply to another entity ~it automatically ignores the entity's own choices for itself. So a respectful place, with only respecting entities, has something called Absolute Mutual Sovereignty.
But humans usually LIKE when stories have relateable characters.
Humans usually LIKE when they can be archetyped in archetyping systems other humans make.
When a human watches a movie, they usually LIKE being whooshed away in it and feeling like they are there; even if the patterns built by the media aren't optimal. But I DO care what patterns I am building into myself ~and I believe you should to. Because it's up to me to determine who I am and how far I get. It's up to you to determine who you are and how far you get. And I wouldn't let anyone else tell me WHO I AM and WHAT I DO. But I would be both these main characters ~because I DO understand the effect I have on myself with what I create. So I give my relateable characters good patterns that can be interpreted divinely into one's own lifepath as a beautiful spirit~gift. I would happily be someone that symbolically comes across such a magical unicorn with the magical ride. AND I love being the unicorn.
Both walking. The sun shines here as we follow the massive foxlike, surprisingly graceful, silky creature through the main plaza. All sorts of fantastical creatures mingle among brightly colored stalls. Long streamers of fabrics flow in the wind above exotic scents of spiced foods. Each terraced section of the City of the Sun rises hundreds of Kor above those beneath, with statues and stories etched along it's surface. Kor is the base measurement here. It's slightly longer than a Foot and shorter than a Metre. The day is cloudless, but the top of the City is obscured by distance.
"Want to go to the top?"
You can hear a grin in the unicorn's voice.
But just then, epic music starts playing back toward the city gate. What sounds like hundreds of trumpets herald an approach. We head back to check it out. A dignified, tall man in a white robe, leads thousands of people of various species, each dressed in silvers, golds, and pure whites from the desert, to the grassy lands of the city entrance.
"This is Dosahyra," I explain. "He comes from where we are going."
We walk side by side out from the city gate to meet him. The dunes feel not too hot; just warm on your bare feet.
I, of course, am happy with my hooves. As we step up to him, you see Dosahyra is tall and strong and handsome and smart ~but more than that, it's the expression he is able to wear, and the feeling in his gait and how he holds himself. You are absolutely sure you are in the presence of someone divine. Not just a figurehead ~but someone who really deserves those who follow him. He gently bends down and touches the sand with a finger from each hand. Grasses start appearing as he stands. Waters flow as trees grow and life sprouts from the sandy dunes. "I would show you how I did this and encourage you to design your own way," he says, "but you are to reach Crystalline before their sunrise. With a BOOM, the thousands behind Dosahyra simultaneously stomp the ground and then bow. He reaches out a hand, glowing white, as you fall uncontrollably to your knees. Placing a hand on your forehead, he says in words that reverberate into your soul,
"You are not my own, but you are forever within my divine protection. Let your every step be perfectly placed, with the full power of a unified cosmic intent guiding, benevolently, your path. ~let your great destiny, that some of us have already seen, roll out it's lush tapestry before you as you walk ~in such a way that you look back on these words and see EXACTLY the profound truth in every single thing I have said."
There are tears in your eyes as you open them to the bright light of day.
A horsey nose nudges you from behind and you hop on. Dosahyra bows, and we start to gallop across the dunes.
"This is the fun part, babe."
Dunes give way to forests. While we cross an open grassy hill, we spot a vast mountain range in the distance.
I put my horn away and color myself brown and white to fit in with the horses here. They look up as we pass. Elevation increases ~passing crystal clear mountain streams and lakes. Now in the mountains, we navigate mountain passes ~at one point jumping from one ledge to another. I also mention how hooves are better than feet in snow like this. And then out the other side. Rectangular areas of color float through the sky. Shifting, glowing runes seem to cover everything in a more airy, magical way than the luminescence produced by the 'mycillium'. This is a very different place from where we just were. Looking down, you realize the unicorn is bright white again, with the rainbow mane, the rainbow tail, the wings, this time colored with reds, purples, and blues. And we start galloping faster and faster through this strange place. There are no plants here, no natural formations nor rocks in sight. Everything is a magical structure formed of magical substances with magical rules. We gallop along black square tiles of a grid for a while. Soon we are galloping forward in pure blackness. The extent of your senses are me, beneath you. My hooves lift off the ground and we just FEEL we are moving forward. And then the first star becomes visible ahead of us ~and the second. And soon we are in space again, with the colorful space phenomena and the 'now lets get to where we are supposed to be' mentality.
Now to Crystalline.

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