Abu Sufyan's Emperor Challenges the Top Three in Islam

"Glorify the Hubal statue."

** In Uhud Wars, when Abu Sufyan radhiallahu 'anhu who, when he was a kafir, became the leader of the kufr army - believing in victory for the Quraysh, he mounted a hill while calling the Muslims aloud: "Are there any of you Muhammad? Is there Abu Bakr? Is there Umar? "**

This shows how great the position of these three men are among the Companions and in the eyes of the enemy that they think these are the three major backbones and the determinants of the heights of God on the surface of the earth

According to them if all three have been killed, there is no more power for Islam and it will be easy for them to overthrow Islam and the Muslims.

The silent companions did not answer him until he became more ignorant and arrogant and offered his gratitude to the idol god statue by saying: "Pity the statue of Hubal."

So the Companions answered, "The people you mentioned are all three still alive in this battle, our God helpers you have no helpers."

Abu Sufyan exclaimed, "Then it is the day to determine the true victory then we will meet again on the battlefield next year at Badr."

Abu Sufyan radhiallahu 'anhu says so because each of the two sides has achieved once the victory of the Muslims at the Battle of Badr while the Gentiles prevailed in the War of Uhud. So for the final determination war to find out who is really strong and win between the two, then he invites and promises to repeat the war. So the Companions answered and welcomed this invitation by saying: "Yes we promise to meet at Badr next year."

On this occasion the unbelievers vent their anger and envy against the Muslims by tearing and mutilating the bodies of the martyrs of the Uhud War. Hindu bint Utbah radhiallahu 'anhu (before entering Islam, pen) tore the stomach of Hamzah bin Abdul Mutholin and took his heart and ate it. Because he can not swallow it then vomited. Hindun also cut off his ears and nose. This shows how ugly the temperament of the unbelievers and how great and the malice they buried in their chests so badly that they died or almost died. God's Word:
"Death to you with your envy." (Surah Ali Imron: 119)

After the akfirs were satisfied with the victory they returned to Mecca but they stopped in the middle of the road and intend to return to attack the Muslims in the city of Medina because they feel they have not won the full victory because they have not killed the Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr and Umar .

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