Episode one.

“This can’t be happening!” cried Purity. She
stared into space with disbelief and shock
written all over her face.
“No, no,” she mumbled, looking around her
This man had carried out his threat. Who
could have thought he would actually do it?
Aaron Theodore was full of surprises and
behaved like the Devil himself. She was a
grown woman, old enough to make her
decisions and do whatever she pleases.
Now, this man – her papa, had chosen a
husband for her. How could he?
Aaron Theodore had indeed surprised her.
This man promised not to meddle in her
private life anymore. Right from when she
was a child to being an adult, she had never
lived a life of her own- all she had done was
to please her papa, doing things the way he
wanted. Now, she grew up. She’s no more
the baby of the home, she can make her
decisions and do whatever please her. D--n
this man! She wasn’t living for him. And he
couldn’t dictate whom she’d marry, she’d
show him.
The door opened, a young woman of about
twenty-six popped her head in, then walked
in. She was dressed in a grey suit. The skirt
was mini- above her kneels which revealed
straight beautiful legs, they were longer than
their actual length ’cause she wore a four
inches stilleto. Her hair was tied in a
ponytail. Her lips shone, painted with a
colourless lip gloss. Her lashes were tick.
She smiled brightly and looked Purity in the
eye. Her eyes were stunning.
“Heather!” Purity snapped as she caught
sight of her secretary. “You can’t knock or
you forgot your manners?” she was now
sounding like a b---h.
“I…I did …knock.” Heather stammered.
“There…was…no…no response.”
“Are you saying I’m deaf?” Purity glared at
“No! I came to give you the files you’ve been
asking for.” she was embarrassed.
“I’m in no mood for such! Get that file and
your walking stick body out of my office!”
Purity ordered.
In a flash, Heather was out of her office. She
ran out with tears welled up in her eyes.
Purity, what the hell is wrong with you! You
just made your secretary cry. You’re a
witch. A voice in her head scolded her.
She didn’t care. Her father got her into this.
She’d beat him to his game.
She stared at her cherry desk, her fingers
wandered on it. She took a pen from the pen
holder and scribbled something on a
notepad. Grabbing hold of the telephone on
her desk, she called her secretary.
“Heather,” she called out when the call was
answered. “I’m sorry. Please cancel all my
appointments today. I’ve got something to
do.” she hung up.
Purity felt guilty talking to Heather that way.
She must have knocked but Purity failed to
hear it ’cause she was too busy with her
thoughts. It wasn’t the poor girl’s fault. It
was hers.
Purity groaned, carried her purse and left the
office room. She did not look at anyone’s
face, she just walked out of Theodore’s
enterprises- the third richest business
company in the world. She was the CEO, no
one would dare question her.
Her usual smile wasn’t there, a frown
replaced it. She didn’t bother about it, didn’t
care. All that was on her mind now was to
face Aaron Theodore and let him know she
was no more a child, but a full grown
woman who decides what to do with her
life. No one was going to mess with her life.
No on, not even her parents.
She slid into the driver’s seat of her silver
volvo XC60 wheels, flung her purse in the
front passenger’s seat. She put the key in
the ignition hole and started car. Slowly, she
joined the highway.

“You must be joking father,” Jeremy laughed
and shook his head.
His father- Edwin Broderick gave him a
grave look. “I’m being serious here. Purity
Theodore is to be your wife. You will see her
tomorrow, court her and marry her.”
“Father! Why should I marry her?” Jeremy
threw at his father, sarcastically.
“She’s my choice. Besides, her father and
me are close pals. They once lived in our
neighbourhood, remember?” he raised a
Jeremy scratched his head, trying to
remember. Then it came! The little girl who
lived in his neighborhood when he was a
kid. He’d liked her a certain time and tried
to be nice to her, be friends with her but she
was very rude to him. She felt she was a
princess, she was the last and only daughter
of the Theodore’s. Dam! He was rich too
and more powerful then she. He began
despising her since then, she must be a
beautiful woman now. He had forgotten all
about her, till this moment.
“Purity? No father, I can’t marry her.
Dammit! I can’t even have her as my friend
or dare, you’d now expect me to have her
as my wife? Holy s--t! NO!”
Edwin Broderick laughed at his son’s
outburst. “I know she used to tease you
back then. I assure you, she has changed.
You’d get to like her.”
“Father, I can’t.” Jeremy pleaded.
“Its final. You two should be married for a
year, then you can divorce if you want to.
My word is final. Think about it, son.”
Edwin patted his son’s shoulder and left him
all by himself.


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