Removing Singletons, hopefully !!!

It paused while reading word for word impressed strands of sentences on wedding invitations.
The Qur'an verses and the words of the Prophet became the reason why the opening sentence of the wedding invitation was very nice, looking at the direction of the place where the party was held by gently absorbing word.


I admire the beauty of the string the words again recalled pieces of my past face, until I remembered you.

Have you ever contemplated in what love is and why did God create it as part of human feelings?
In the opening of the invitation letter it enlightens me that God creates a feeling of love and attraction among men as proof of the power of God, no more and no less.

He created it as a means of man remembering the greatness of God. Imagine how great these feelings are, they are all proof of the power of love that has always led me to mixed feelings.


Is it true that love is created to make people suffer? no, the taste is there so there is a tranquility between the two.

Real love should bring a sense of peace and peace for both humans, not the other way around.
As I find this feeling with her, I begin to feel this is the real love. The love and attraction mentioned in the sentences of the wedding invitation letter which says to complement each other between the two.
Then I realized there was not a single bliss of perfect happiness and tranquility without pain, struggle, and sacrifice.


Remembered how overwhelming that feeling had arrive at the top of the mountain, for during my journey I encountered many obstacles.
This journey may bring peace and happiness, rest assured that true love will bring a very satisfying result will only be nonsense if one of them stopped before reaching the end.
Hopefully this single release makes new improvements for a better life.
thanks for all the attention, greeting steemit.

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