The first question

For some time I have realized that there are two questions that always makes me people, almost always answer almost as a cliché that what most inspired me to say what I feel, has think what I think and do what I do , were my family, my friends and stories and experiences that have marked my life but not, and I ask an apology for having lied because after meditating that question, now I can be 100% sure the only thing that has motivated me all this time has been Time, if you read it, time, motivates me-know and recognize that someday I'm going to die, can be now or within 70 years a night lying in my bed just hugging a picture of my wife, motivates me to know that everything I do not say or do in this precise Time in my life may never happen, that's why every time I have the opportunity to see my friends I propose, as the only goal to me laugh, be crazy, daring, if you want to irreverent, that's why I do not allow absolutely nothing or anyone tell me that I'm old enough not to be able to run in the rain or go to a party and dance and scream until dawn.

Every day we take for granted so many things, everything to leave for tomorrow, that if tomorrow this, that if tomorrow that, the truth is that! that assholes!, lie down with your dog and full of hairs, which most gives so it is likely that when you get your clothes out of the washer and you're not there n I continue to use it again, engagement with your friends even if you do not have a fucking penny, there is always a chocolate or soda that can enjoy together, engagement with them, go to the beach, make a grill, cágate of laughter while you keep all the pictures of those re Sane in your head, travel, save and travel, perhaps by the time you finish paying the debt, age has already taken all your energies, enrich your soul, meet people, cultures, languages, travel to see and hear that love is shown the same in all languages and if not tie Money, AMA, I swear to you that the most important things in this life, do not have a price or a barcode, loves intensely that compared to that there is no antidepressant that comes to the heels, the rest can wait, be humbled, apologize and forgive , that not all people see the world as you see it.

Never have your head so high that you can cut or so low that you can tread, learn to be humble enough not to prevent the arrogance you blind but worthy enough to prevent anyone ever humiliate you

And please put that arrogance and pride in the ass because no matter how long it has gone or how bad things have ended, if you still feel something for that person says, listen to your old, ask them everything you do not know, tell them you want , hug them as if it were the last time neither birthday candles nor shooting stars have the gift of granting immortality, stop making you the strong what else can you lose? Maybe tomorrow I'll never get there.


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