To be happy, accept yourself for who you truly are by @mr-aaron

Good day everyone. I welcome to your favourite blog - @airhawk-project blog. Today I'll be sharing the story of my two short friends with you. For this post, I'll assume their names are Karen and Joyce. (I don't want to use their real names.)
Apart from the obvious fact that you know -they are both short - my two friends have a lot of things in common. They are from the same tribe. They are in the same class. They are both beautiful. But one thing that differentiates the two of them is how they react when people call them "short girl."

Obviously, they are short but Karen hates it when you remind her how the genes she inherited from her parents have forbidden her from growing tall. While Joyce will even make jest of you before you even make jest of her.

"I am the image of God. If you're taller than me, you're too tall. If you're shorter than me, I pity you." This is the response of the Joyce.

She has come to the understanding that her own height is not her own shortcomings. She didn't select the sets of genes she inherited and she rocks it well even with her height.

Karen gets depressed often. She's always intimidated. You often see her wearing makeups and clothes that are bigger than her size. (The other girls make jest of her that she's trying to make herself feel among.)

In every gathering you enter, you will see people like Karen and Joyce. The question now is, who are you? Are you Karen or Joyce?

Do you have very big eyes?

You can't remove your eyes you know. So the earlier you accept yourself for who you are, the better for you. You have big eyes doesn't mean you are not normal. A big eye doesn't make you less human.

Are you too black or an albino?

It's funny when I see people get intimidated because of their skin colour. This is more pronounced in black people who bleach their skin so that they can look like the white girl. But I have never seen a beautiful bleaching person. Their skin starts to deteriorate. That is what happens when you fail to accept yourself for who you are. Your value starts to deteriorate.
Albinos are also humans. Everything in their body system is not different from that of a black man. So, you shouldn't feel less of yourself because of your skin colour.

Are you handicapped?

You are associated when you call yourself handicapped. Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and dumb. If she is from this place she will be on the street begging for alms but her condition was not able to stop her because she accepted herself for who she is and developed herself. Nick Vujicic is a pastor born without limbs. He refuses to accept a pitiable state. He refused to be handicapped. And he has shown me that it takes more than two hands to touch lives because he has touched many.
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Are you also short like Karen?

Don't kill yourself over what you can't change. Learn to be happy. Learn to love yourself. When you love yourself you will have no option than to build yourself. You will groom and improve.

Don't be like Karen. When you fail to see yourself for who you truly are you can never perform up to your potentials. No one I'll appreciate you above the level which you appreciate yourself. People will only see you the way you see yourself.

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