Adat serta ibadat

Buet ureung awai cit kameutente, tanyoe jinoe mantoeng tarika rika.

The people of Aceh, known as a plural society in various dimensions, are rich in customs and culture and other local wisdom. Cultural and indigenous diversity is still being done from generation to generation until now. Even the younger generation now does not know when the habit begins. One of Aceh local wisdom that still exists today is the application of majesty blang (kenduri di sawah). Empty occurrences are usually done blond before going down to the fields.

Anyone who owns a rice field and wants to grow rice, first participate in a ceremony. This community participation is based on an order from keujruen blang (aceh adat institutions specializing in the field of rice fields). Keujruen blang as head of the field will signal two weeks before farmers go to the fields. The command of keujruen blang is highly respected and obeyed by local farmers. Because at the time of rice cultivation, gotong royong in rice fields, water flow and so on need berkusyawarah with keujruen blang.

Keunduri that was held before going down to the field with a prayer aimed at making rice farmers free from diseases and pests that harm plants. The whole gampong community and farmers and the surrounding community are invited to enjoy the merubuknya together. Number of people invited according to the amount of food available. The recitation of prayer is led by ustaz and santri from dayah.


The community with ustaz enjoys happiness
Another goal that must be realized through the ceremony blang is to build a harmonious relationship between citizens. Probably among them seldom met, with events among the Gampong people facing each other. Another value contained is as a form of public gratitude for the gift given by God.

Keunduri blang was held three times since starting from hereditary preparations to harvest. At the time of the green rice (pade dara) the community performs the second celebration and in the harvest season comes the farmer will take the third lightning. Everyone is very enthusiastic about attending the event.




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