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Today's story I give the title :

The Mouse Deer Cheats The Dog

Sunny morning, the sun shone beautifully. Mr. Farmer went to the rice field with excitement while carrying a hoe.
"I will check my cucumber garden, maybe tomorrow can be harvested". so murmured the farmer father.

But when he arrived at the cucumber garden, how shocked the father of the farmer, cucumber fruit in his garden a lot of broken.

"who destroys my cucumber garden, why it must be broken, if you want to take it, it's okay to take it, I'm not a stingy farmer".
with a cheap heart, the father of the farmer went home. he guessed what animal likes cucumber fruit.
"ha ,,, definitely the mouse deer", gumum father farmer.

The farmer's father made sense to trap the mouse deer, then he made a puppete with a very strong adhesive.
By late afternoon, the puppets were finished and brought to the middle of the cucumber garden for the tide.

"I know the clever animal beast, he will mock this puppets, but feel it later," thought the farmer.

Indeed, in the evening the mouse deer came to the cucumber garden, he laughed at the sight of the puppets in the cucumber garden.
"Just a scarecrow, who's scared?"
then the mouse deer across the scarecrow. and now he eats the young cucumber fruit.

It is not much eaten by the mouse deer. only the cucumber he ate was full, he also did not damage the garden of another cucumber.

After satisfying the fruit of cucumber, the deer then approached the scarecrow, he pounded the scarecrow in the cucumber garden with his front legs.
"why, why do you stick!"
said the deer shocked!

"oh bad guy, take off feet or else I hit you again!
of course the man just kept quiet.
the mouse deer hit with one more front leg.


Source of the story: fabel-cerita-rakyat-kisah-si-kancil-mencuri-mentimun/

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