Series (s-7): The BROKEN TRUST


A must read and a very interesting true life Story on the tragedy of a young pretty girl.

Episode 07

....Mike was thrown into the cell as soon as we arrived at the police station, while I was left to cool off at the counter (behind the reception desk)
"I just don't want to punish you further because you are just like a sister to me, and you are equally an unfortunate victim in this whole mess, if not, I would have thrown you into one of the cells as well"
Stella's brother said to me.
I nodded gratefully and thanked him, "yes sir,
thank you sir
I murmured nervously.

My thoughts kept me company all through the night as I wondered, what Mike's fate would be.
From the look of things, I saw that Stella and her brother were very ready for a tough battle.
Mosquitoes never allowed me to think properly, as I kept slapping myself as I battled them all through that restless night.
I was in a very very terrible state the following morning as hunger kept my body shaking, but luckily to me, Stella's brother arrived the station very early and sent for us.

I hastily walked into his office, while Mike was dragged in minutes later. He looked tired,scared and nervous but fortunately his body wasn't in anyway tampered with.
"You know before I joined the police force, I used to be a very bad player like you.
I did everything unthinkable just to get down with girls, but i never for once laid my hands on any girl and never got any pregnant.

You know why?
Why because I used my head" he lectured Mike with a smile.
"I'm so sorry master,"
Mike begged.

"But you went too far with my sister this time around, and I'm going to deal with you to the extent that you end up losing your Job.
You know banks hate getting involved in scandals huh?
he asked Mike, who instantly frowned and looked away.
"I have already mapped out my plans,
First I will call the press and some popular bloggers I know, give them the story I prepared about you with the caption.

"Banker attempt killing baby mama for another " Or "Banker cooling off in police cell after trying to Kill girlfriend " or better still "Banker tries to kill an Innocent eighteen years old girl he got pregnant in his apartment. "
He tilted his head sideways and poured out Evilly, while I gasped.

"What do you think will become of your job after such news is made public, or what do you think the state prosecutor will do after learning of such case?".
he asked with a mischievous smile.
The look on Mike's face was terrible, It was very obvious, he was extremely scared.


He looked like someone who just saw a ghost.
"I have evidence, plus pictures of my sister's battered face and doctors report"
He continued.
"Please what do you want?"
Mike nervously asked, Interrupting him.
The young police officer simply licked his lips and smiled.

"Hmmmm what do I want?"
Stella's brother repeated and scoffed.
"You used my sister, got her pregnant, made her unmarriageable, abandoned, broke her heart and still beat her, I kept quiet and never for a day challenged you.
When my parents managed to fetch you for talks, you showed up, claimed responsibility and disappeared like a ghost, I still never bothered you.

I took care of my sister without complaining,
but i guess because of our soft nature and the way we handled everything, you thought you could do as you liked and you further insult my family by inviting the innocent girl to your house, so as to beat her up and
snatch her baby.
he poured out calmly,
while Mike nervously watched him like a rat watching friendly cat.

"What do you expect me to ask for eeh?"
He asked Mike, who simply shrugged silently.
"I can't force you to marry my sister, neither can I allow you to walk away from your responsibility over her and the little girl"
he added seriously.
"But this is not a case that will be settled in the police station, can't we do it
elsewhere, like in your house or some other place
Mike asked pleadingly.

"Oh yes, but i don't trust you, moreover my sister is the person pressing charges and I fear you might spend more time here with us"
He replied with an evil smile.
"Oh goodness me! I beg of you, don't do this to me, I can't afford to skip work even for a day,
Mike begged nervously, while I nodded in support.

"Alright, but there is still one more thing you have to do, if I'm to allow you guys to leave"
The young officer added and licked his lips.
"You have to sign some papers, It's just like an undertaking which you will have your freedom."
He added as he brought out two envelopes, which he placed before Mike.
"All you have to do is just to sign both of them,
You go with one copy, i keep the second copy for myself
He explained as Mike went through the papers.

"You don't expect me to sign this crap,
do you?
I soon heard Mike ask with a raised tone.
"How do you expect me to suspend my up coming wedding, till I settle issues with your sister?"
He asked angrily.

"Oooh oh, so the the wedding rumors are true??"
Stella's brother asked.
"Anyways, my request is very simple and responsible, because that's what any sane man will do.
For the sake of family's pride and for the sake of tradition, so you have every reason to sit down and settle with us, before rushing into another marriage, moreover which church will wed you when you are yet to resolve your problems eeh?!!
My friend you better sign the two papers, because it's that or nothing
The young officer sprang up and barked loudly, hitting the table with his fist my heart skipped over hundred times.

It just looked as if someone was blowing an air of misfortune towards my happiness.

"I hope my girl is free to leave?"
Mike asked quietly with his eyes on me. The young officer calmed himself, sat on his chair and breathed deeply as he stared at me.
"She's free to leave, I have nothing against her for the moment, but i will be forced to involve her if we are unable to reach any agreement"
he replied.
Mike instantly smiled at me.
"hope you heard him baby?
You are free to go outside and wait for me"
He said while I blushed and shook my head.

"Don't worry about me, I think it's better I sit here and listen to everything "
I replied with a calm smile.
He shook his head and stared into my eyes.
"I insist dear, please go outside and wait for me, please I beg of you"
he pleaded seriously.
I breathed deeply, stood up and left the man's office without another word.
I really wasn't happy that he asked me to leave, because I was keenly following the whole drama like a soap opera.
Perhaps he did it to protect me, or did it to hide something from me.

As I angrily left the police building ,I ran into Stella at the entrance door, she smiled as soon as she saw me and stopped.
"Hi friend good morning " she greeted.
I felt like ignoring her, but my anger overcame me.
I stopped and stared at her furiously.
"What's good about the morning?"
I asked angrily.

"Oh a lot dear, today's Sunday don't you know?
Oh how would you remember that today is Sunday since you spent your Saturday night in a good hotel huh "
she replied with a smile.
"Whatever you are planning, just know that bad things doesn't last, you will be judged for your actions, better know that "
I preached and made to leave, but she strongly held my right hand, which surprised and stopped me.


"Where is your baby pervert?
You want to fight me again huh?
I asked with burning eyes.
She scoffed and shrugged.
"Come on babe cool off, we should be friends instead of enemies"
she said with a change tone.

"I don't have your time, so please get behind me " I yelled and turned to leave.
"Whether you like it or not, you will be seeing more of my presence and I advise you to leave that obnoxious Mike and make something good out of your life now you still have the time, because I will make his life miserable and burn whoever stands on my way.
I think I have given you fair warning my lady.
Mike spoiled my life and I won't stop until I spoil his"
she threatened seriously.
I froze for a while, meditated over her words and walked away silently.

A new fear erupted in my heart because I had no doubt she was serious with her threats.
"Can I stand her?
What else is she planning?
Is there something I'm yet to find out about Mike? "
I wondered fearfully, my legs shook while my Heart burn furiously.

I calmly left the police station and waited for Mike in a shop close by.
I anxiously waited for forty five minutes, but he failed to show. Nervously I returned to the station, with my heart pounding furiously as fear
engulfed me immensely.
But luckily I met him at the entrance door, the spot I earlier had a little conversation with Stella.
I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw him and I stared into his eyes.

Stella's brother was standing by his side, they stared at me for a while without saying anything.
"You are free to go, but do know that my eyes are on you"
He finally said to Mike as they shook hands,
"no problem"
Mike murmured, held my hand and made to walk away with me.

"Young girl can I have a word with you please"
I heard Stella's brother ask with his eyes on me.
I stared at him nervously, breathed deeply and shrugged.
"okay " I murmured and walked towards him,
While Mike watched suspiciously.

"You have seen nothing of what we call life, your boyfriend is false in heart, in mind, in Soul, he has a false flattering tongue, false lips, false principles, so you better be careful with him".
He advised seriously, surprising me with bluntness.
"You better watch your tongue master"
Mike instantly barked, reached out and dragged me away.
"Don't mind the idiot."
he nervously said to me as we left the police Station.

We said nothing to each other until we arrived at his apartment minutes later.
"So how did you finally settle with them?
did you sign the papers?
I asked curiously.
He breathed deeply, and shook his head.
"please I rather not talk about it please"
I heard him say.
"But i have every right to know, don't I? "
I asked,
"Please let me be, I'm very hungry"
he murmured with an angry tone.

Without another word, I dutifully prepared and served breakfast, which he ate hungrily.
My thoughts kept wandering to and fro as I watched him eat.
I wasn't as hungry as he was, because my heavy mind blocked my appetite.
"I'm still eager to know how you settled with him? "
I anxiously asked, hiding my anxiety with a calm smile.
"I'm telling you no story, so please don't bother me.
I have enough problems already."
he replied coldly.

I stared at him angrily, stood up and bit my lips.
"I think you are hiding something nasty from me, it's better you open up now or..... "
I threatened with a raised voice.
"or what?
Cindy give me some space please, I'm choking" he replied defiantly, getting me extremely annoyed with his comment.
"Fine, I'm leaving, you know where to find me,
. "
I shouted at him, grabbed my bag and ran out of his apartment.

I was extremely angry and down casted. I felt very bad because he treated me like an Insignificant child.
I understood his problems were telling on him, but to be treated in such undignifying manner
was something I couldn't stand. He equally never cared to run after me nor call me back.
I was almost in tears when I got back to my lodge minutes later.
Fate however added salt to my wound, by making me run into Williams as I ran up the stairs with tears in my eyes.

I froze in shock as I stared at him, got hold of myself, looked away and ran past him to my room, but surprisingly he came after me, catching up with me as I stopped to unlock my door.
"Happy Sunday Cindy"
he greeted politely,
"Hello Williams " I murmured nervously.
He breathed deeply drew close and studied me silently.

Luckily, I managed to open my door that moment, and rushed into my room without another word. He however joined me in my room, throwing me into great tension with his undesirable behaviour.
He really was the last person I expected to see or talk to that moment and I equally was extremely ashamed that he saw me in a very terrible condition.

My heart pounded furiously as I fell face first on my bed, backing him rudely and praying silently for him to leave, but my prayers weren't answered.
He simply stood calmly, and waited for me to get hold of myself.
"Please let me be, I'm not myself please "
I finally heard myself say to him.
"You look very troubled, dejected, broken and Lost,
What is happening to you?"
he asked curiously.

I bit my lips and sighed deeply
"Willy, please leave me alone, I'm very tired and weak "
I murmured, sat up and faced him with a coloured face.
His eyes melted as he looked into mine, he came forward and squatted beside me.
"Did he hurt you again?
Tell me what did he do to you this time?
I see pain and sorrow in your eyes"
he asked searchingly, making me blush and I looked away.


I was extremely embarrassed and ashamed.
"Why should you care, please leave " I said to him, but he calmly shook his head and held my hands.
"Old things has come to pass my dear, this is New year and a new year brings a new beginning, so don't worry about the past, you can still count on me for anything" he sweetly said, while I looked into his eyes and saw hope.
The only thing missing that moment was a soap opera music.

My heart pounded furiously as I tried to say something, I opened my mouth but no word came out.
I swallowed hard and looked away, deeply embarrassed and confused.
"Cindy" He called my name so softly, breaking my heart and flogging my soul with his voice.
He really behaved like a good Christian, very forgiving and caring, making my conscience flog and bite me without mercy.

The way he offered his help totally broke me into two, I really couldn't believe he was ready to help after how I betrayed and dumped him the previous year.
"I don't deserve your help, sympathy or anything, Please just go I beg of you "
I finally managed to mutter, shaking and surprising him with my outburst.

"You are too proud and it isn't good for a girl" he said with a very sad face.
I breathed deeply and touched his left cheek,
"You are a very nice guy who deserves something better, seriously each time I look at you, my conscience hurts me because I instantly
remember all the bad things I did to you, so accepting anything from you will kill me, please just let me be, moreover I'm not in any terrible situation that needs help, believe me
. "
I explained calmly.
He bit his lips and stood up.

"I broke my pride and most importantly I did what every guy will frown upon, by coming back to see you, but it's okay."
he murmured regrettably.
"Oh no Williams don't say that "
I cried, stood up and hugged him tightly, "you are very nice guy and I know God will repay you somehow " I prayed.

We don't choose who to fall in love with, It's something that happens without influence,
and when it happens we leave everything just to follow our heart.
Sometimes we end up with the wrong person,
but believe me that's it.

I poured out as I held him tightly.
"And what happens to a guy who falls in love with a girl who happens to love another?"
he asked?
"Seriously I can't answer that "
I murmured with a heavy heart.
"I wronged you, I scammed your family and broke their trust. I'll be at your family house next Saturday to apologize and seek forgiveness from your family. "
I heard myself say.
He instantly broke away from me, stared into my eyes and rubbed his face with his palms.
"Will you actually do that?"
he asked curiously.
"Of course I will, moreover it's the only way I can atone for my sins, and be free from the evil touch of misfortune which has befallen me lately "
I confessed.

Was there anything seen like love and sorrow meeting together in a place?
The pure love of Williams' noble heart, and the keen sorrow in mine brought sadness more bitter than death upon us as we stared at each other that fateful Sunday...
"Alright then, I have to get going" Williams muttered seriously. While I nodded with a faint smile.
"thanks again for checking up on me, hope you will be at home on Saturday? "
I asked meekly.
"Of course I will" he replied, breathed deeply and turned to leave.

"Willy, please wait " I begged nervously, forcing him to stop, turn and stare at me
"I have cute course mates who will be willing to have a relationship with a guy like you, should I arranged one for you? "
I asked nervously.
He breathed deeply and shook his head,
"never mind, thanks" he objected.
"Are you sure? "
I asked seriously,
"Yea am very sure and I'm also very sure you will later regret leaving the only guy that truly loved you."
He answered, turned and left without another word.

I took a long shower, freshened up and had a little nap. However I heard a loud knock on my door hours later which woke me up.
I lazily answered my door and smiled brightly as my eyes fell on Kate.
"Thank God you are back, I've missed you dear. "
I happily cried as we hugged each other.
"me too" she murmured happily.
Even though our friendship wasn't as strong as it used to be due to my strange affair with Mike, we still maintained a little closeness and still shared a unique bond which kept us together like sisters.


She never supported how I got back with Mike. But it never stopped me from sharing my fears with her.
Hmmmm! Kate could you believe that Mike has a daughter, I announced as she walked into my room.
"Don't say that, Jeez!" she exclaimed with
Surprise, settled down on my bed with both hands on her jaw and Listened keenly.
I calmly sat beside her and narrated the latest story of my life to her.

"Damn this is so weird and unbelievable," she murmured and shook her head after listening to all I poured out.
"My dear I think you should run away from that guy, unless you are willing to risk your life over him. Moreover it isn't too late for you, since you haven't given him much commitment, nor slept with him since you reconciled with him after that careless night you spend at his family house last year." She advised seriously.

"You are right, but I just can't do it, don't ask me why please. " I said seriously.
She scoffed, shook her head and held my lefts houlder, "I think you are being insanely stupid", She scolded.
"You used to be a level headed, intelligent girl, but it seems like you are getting stupid as you grow older. Please don't take it the wrong way, but i have to tell you the truth."
She added with a serious look.

"What is love without happiness? and what is happiness without a bright future?" she asked, which forced me to look away in confusion.
"There is no doubt you are in love with Mike, but where is your happiness, and how will your life turn out in few years coming?
This is no soap opera, we are talking about your life here, remember youthful love fades with time, but happiness and a bright future can make it last a Life time"
She advised with burning eyes.

"You are like my sister my dear, and I know you have a very good but weak heart, do you think you stand a chance with Stella and her numerous antics eeh?
Answer me?!
Moreover how are you sure Mike won't abandon you at the last moment, because he's good at it?"
She asked seriously.
I silently swallowed hard, lost in thought. I was lost, disoriented and disorganised, instead of helping, Katie choose to dismember me with her frightened questions, but sometimes a truthful reality is very painful and horrible to imagine.


Monday morning.
I left early for school and attended my first lecture as a final year student. It really brought brief happiness to my life, making me put all my fears and worries behind me.
I religiously faced my studies.
Tuesday evening approached very fast, bringing Mike with it.
I was writing an assignment when I heard someone knock on my door I thought it was Kate, but was a bit surprised to see Mike standing nervously with a coloured face .
"Hello " I greeted coldly, before paving way for him to enter my room.

He calmly sat beside me, while I returned to my assignment which I faced seriously.
"Why haven't you been answering my calls?"
he asked calmly.
"Because I have been very busy, which you can see for yourself "
I replied coldly.
"Anyway, I came to apologize for the way I treated you on Sunday"
He said slowly.

"You have nothing to apologize for, I perfectly understand "
I replied.
"Seriously I'm yet to get myself, it hasn't been easy for me" he tried to explain, but I interrupted him rudely.
"There is no need to explain yourself,l et's forget about it " I muttered without caring
to look up at him.
He stood up, drew close to me and caressed my hair gently.

"I know you are still angry with me, tell me isn't it so?"
he asked searchingly.
"I still have four pages to cover "
I replied with a slightly raised tone.
He breathed deeply, brought out his wallet and
fetched some dollar notes which he dropped on my book.
"I have to get going, it's almost 6 pm, do take care dearest" he murmured, stood hesitantly for a while before leaving my room. I never called him back for the money, nor even bothered to say goodbye to him.

I however counted the money as soon as he Left and smiled to myself, because I was five hundred Dollar richer.
5:15pm Wednesday,
Katie dragged me to a boutique which was just few houses away from Mike's apartment, giggling happily as she showed me the gown which made her drag me out by that hour.
"Cindy isn't this gown beautiful?
I can't afford waiting till tomorrow, because I can't risk losing it for anything" she explained happily as I stared at the beautiful gown.

She really was very right, the pink designer gown was well designed with a lovely material.
"You are right dear, the gown is worth the trouble. "
I replied with a smile.
She laughed and quickly paid for it. As we leftt he boutique minutes later, I begged her to accompany me to Mike's apartment which was just few steps away.
She wasn't happy about it though, but had no choice than to follow me. But you guys can't imagine the surprise, shock and anger I felt when the door to Mike's apartment was opened by no other person than Stella.

Three minutes later

"Oh dear good evening, I guess you are looking for Mike, He went out minutes ago."
Stella giggled with bright eye.
I breathed deeply, as I desperately tried to control my temper.
"It's in our best interest to keep our thoughts quiet, Let's go."
Kate cleverly whispered, before dragging me away.

"Aren't you going to leave a message"
I heard the obnoxious Stella ask as we left the building.
I wasn't myself as we headed back to our lodge that fateful evening, because not only was I jealous and angry, I equally was very doubtful of Mike's intention towards me.


My thoughts wandered aimlessly, while the police officer's advice came rushing into my head.

You have seen nothing of what we call life,
Your boyfriend is false in heart, in mind, in soul, he has a false flattering tongue, false Lips, false principles, you better be careful.

but I choosed to ignore him.
"Could he be right? " I wondered.
"no no no Mike won't be so stupid as to get back with her, there must be a solid reason for her to be In his house I fearfully concluded. "
Kate and I didn't say much to each other when we got back to the lodge.
She soon retired to her room, while I settled to sleep, but I kept tossing on my bed uneasily due to my unhappy thoughts.

Unable to control my emotions I dialled Mike's phone number.
"Hello dearest" he answered second later.
"I came to your house earlier in the evening with my friend, didn't Stella inform you? "
I asked.
He kept quiet for some seconds.
"no she didn't tell me anything, why didn't you wait for me to return or call my phone?
I could have rushed home instantly" he
"There isn't any need for that since your wife is already there " I answered coldly.

"Believe me, it's not as you think" he murmured nervously.
"A person doesn't need to see a lot of things to imagine the truth "
I replied and hung up.
He tried calling me back, but I switched off my Phone, Shed a few tears and slept.

Thursday I left my phone switched off, stayed away from my room and spent all my time with Katie.
By 9 pm, we decided to be a little wild and go clubbing. It really was one of the best nights I ever had as a student. I enjoyed the loud noise, crowd, happiness and Music that shook the dancing hall.

I forgot all my problems and worries as I danced myself to exhaustion.
By 4:15 am Friday, we left the club and trekked towards a near by junction to get a cab.
I barely had gone ten steps when a black SUV pulled and stopped in front of us.
Kati and I stared at each other fearfully, stopped and tried to cross over to the left section of the road, but a young guy instantly jumped out of the car and called my friend.

"Katee don't be scared, it is me Raymond your cousin"
we heard him say,
Kate froze and stared at him speechlessly. when we got very close, she recognized him, smiled and laughed.
"bro Ray"
She greeted and hugged him,
but Raymond's eyes soon left my friend and focused on me brightly, as the street light glared on us...

Stay tuned for the next episode.
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