Series (s-5): The BROKEN TRUST


A must read and a very interesting true life Story on the tragedy of a young pretty girl.

Episode 05


.....Imagine how time files.
I was soon in the second semester of my 3rd year while Williams was in his final semester as a student.
Our relationship blossomed and matured into
Something so solid and sweet. It just looked as if I was created from him.
His family accepted and treated me as if I was their daughter. The reality couldn't wait for us to finish school and get married.
I transformed Williams from a quiet, cool headed introvert into an artistic, charming, noble young man whose greatest hobby was to love me.

He so spoilt me with money that I hardly touched the monthly allowance my parent's
do give me.
My ego and pride were so high. I was envied by many.
"Oh what else could I have asked my creator for? "

Sometimes when you think your life has been at rest that's when real problems grows putting your life in shatters....
But sometimes no matter how hard we struggle to shape our future, challenges do come to test our faith, courage and zeal and these challenges always appear when you least expected and only a little misdeed that moment will rewrite

Some folks do say that "whatever will be, will surely be no matter how hard we plan" and some holy books do say "our destiny already has been written by our creator before birth", whatever the case, life is so full of mysteries.
The future I so much struggled to build with Williams was completely jeopardized weeks before my 300 level second semester was concluded.

I never knew my fate could take such a dramatic twist nor my past showing up to haunt me.
Not only did it return to haunt me, it really came to steal my joy, my pride and my heart and all I laboured for, without even a mask to hide its face.
My past came for me when I least expected, and I truly can't explain how lost or petrified I was when it came knocking on my door.

The shock, pain and anger I felt when I answered my door and saw Mike my Ex boyfriend smiling nervously with hands in his trouser pocket, was just so immense that I couldn't breath for a while.
The look of relief in his eyes when they rested on me really was undeniable.
For some seconds, I stared at him speechlessly,
lost in thought and clueless on what to do.
He truly wasn't looking bad, though a bit darker than the last time I saw him.

His feature perfectly constructed and matured.
How fast I noticed...
"No away! "
I cried as I shut my door on his face, dived to my bed and covered my head with my pillow.
"How did he find me? "
I wondered miserably.
Seeing him that afternoon instantly brought up old memories, drawing out tears from my eyes.
"Cindy please open your door, I just came to talk with you" he knocked and begged.
I simply ignored him and refused to open my door.
He finally left after an hour of constant knocking.
I heaved a sigh of relief and made the sign of the cross, "Lord be my strength " I prayed, because I needed no one to tell me that he will still return.
However I failed to mention Mike's visit to Williams when we were together later in the evening, without knowing the reason.

Perhaps it was because I didn't want to involve him in my problems anymore.
"Hope everything is alright?"
Williams asked curiously as soon as he noticed my absent mindedness,
"I have head ache "I muttered calmly.
I've gat panadol in my room, let me get it for you he sweetly said as he got up,
"no don't worry, all I need is just a good night sleep "
I murmured and flashed him a smile.
He shrugged and rubbed my back,
"good night dear, let me leave you alone"
he muttered and left for his room.


"Some lecturers are truly very annoying with the manner they behave sometimes"
I murmured furiously as I left our lecture hall after writing a hot Impromptu test which I managed to answer only 3 out of 6 questions.
I really was very annoyed and swore to crush anyone who blocked my path as I left the hall as if something was pursuing me.

A strong hand grabbed me without warning, I instantly turned to lash out on whatever it may be.
But I was stunned when my eyes fell on Mike smiling nervously in his usual way.
I felt like slapping him but the crowd around us was just too much.
"Calm down my dear, things are not always as they seem",
he muttered quietly,
"I have a story to tell, after listening to me, you can then pour out your mind"
he added calmly.
"I'm in no mood to listen to your stupid story it's too late "
I replied haughtily.

I could have snatched my hand and ran away that moment, but i didn't, instead I stood and stared at him while I calmly deliberated whether to listen to his story or not.
Curiosity got hold of me.
"Please dear don't say anything till you listen to my story, It won't take much of your time you can go your way after listening to it. I only came to fulfill something I promised myself"
he urged with a smile.
I breathed deeply, shrugged with a shoulder and
followed him to a quiet and expensive cape on the other end of the school.


I knew it was undignifying to allow my curiosity get hold of me, but i just couldn't help it.
"Am I under a spell or what? "
I asked myself as we sat down in the cafe.
"Please God don't allow Williams to see me here
I silently prayed with guilt.
"Be quick with the story "
I said while he simply just smiled,
"you have really grown into a beautiful woman, more sexy and attractive than I expected"
he said with a smile.
I frowned and sighed.
"your plan didn't work, you thought I will dry up like a dead leaf when you abandoned me right?!
I poured and hissed.

"Please hasten up and tell me the story, I have other better things to do " I urged coldly.
"Your comments are just like a whip, floggingcthe living hell out of me"
he murmured in order to draw out pity.
"To hell with you, I just wish my comments could do much more than flogging your
I cursed bitterly.
"My God! Cindy you have changed considerably and...."
"Change is a constant thing in life Bruh and as long as I'm alive, I will keep on
I interrupted.
"I see you have no story to tell, this conversation is over and never happened "
I stood up rudely.

He instantly tried to grab my left hand, but was unsuccessful.
"Please don't ever come to my lodge again unless you need a hot bath "
"God forgive me, I never intended to curse and Insult him this way, but you know he caused everything"
I prayed with remorse as I left the cafe.

I soon felt a strong hand grab me from behind outside the cafe, I instantly turned and stared at Mike murderously, "please can I have your number" he begged.
"Fuck you " I cursed.
"Don't do this Cindy please, I have waited so long for this moment.
If you refuse me your number, I will have no choice than to follow you to your lodge and kill myself with your hot water, I can't just continue living this way, not after waiting for you for so long
he begged seriously.
I slowly held my pride and controlled my angry spirit, "I need to sleep over this issue, I can't just give you my new phone number easily,
But please on no account should you visit my lodge, that's all, I muttered calmly.
"That's fine by me"
he accepted without another argument.
I walked away without another word.

How do I resist this idiot of a boy?, I wondered.
"I surely need Katie's advice before I do something nasty ",
I said to myself. Finally free from his disturbance at least for that day...

Later In the evening at Katie's room.

"Mike is back " I whispered into my friend's ear as if I was scared of calling Mike's name.
She glanced at me with surprise,
"Mike which Mike?"
She curiously asked .
"My Ex now! , have you forgotten him? "
I replied.
She instantly gasped and held my left palm tightly,
"you mean you saw him?" she asked.
"He came to my lodge yesterday and even blocked me in school today " I explained.

"So what does he want? How did he even find you?"
She asked with concern.
"Girl I really can't say how he found me, I even thought you were the person who helped
I answered quietly. She gave me an askance look, Smiled and tapped my left shoulder,
"really, why would you imagine such a thing? I'm very much surprised as you are, so what did he say and what does he want?"
she asked.
"Usual stuff, he wants my phone number, he has a story to tell, he can't continue living this way "
I replied and mimicked Mike's Voice.
Hmmmmm wonders shall never end! she said as she clapped her hands.
"please don't mind him, better be careful from now onwards, you know how guys especially first boyfriend's can be, very cunning and crafty like a con artist.
Moreover he knows you too well, so please don't even give him any chance to open his dirty mouth?" she advised based on so much experience on her part.

"But how can I be able to do that?
he threatened to kill himself if I don't give him attention
" I murmured.
"Then let him kill himself, supposing you died of heartbreak when he left you, will he be talking all these nonsense"
She replied unhappily, while I breathed deeply and shrugged.
"So have you told your guy?" she asked.
"no " I murmured and shook my head.
"Please don't hide this issue from him, it will be easier for you to discharge him with Williams backing you up, I'm speaking from experience" she advised like a sister.

"I really don't like to indulging that guy with my problems "
I murmured,
"I don't think you have any other choice, my dear".
She concluded and stared at me with pity.
I looked away and shrugged, I looked away and shrugged.
By 9 pm, I was in Williams' room laid on his body, while he gently played with my hair, a gesture I always enjoyed, but that evening, I really was very restless .
Kate's advice kept repeating in my head, urging me to open up and reveal all I was hiding.
But I couldn't get myself to do her bidding, which really was the most appropriate thing to do but a force I really can't define nor figure out hardened my heart, sealed my lips and locked them firmly like a Padlock.

Perhaps it was fear which hindered me or maybe it was my stupidity which played such a dirty trick on me.
My conscience urged me but my strength failed me, while my mouth refused to oblige.
The kind of force which held me that moment seemed similar to that which often stops we girls from exposing our boyfriends pals who made passes at us.
Only girls will surely understand the state I was in. Deep down I felt very guilty..
"I will talk to Mike tomorrow, if he still Insists, then i will have no choice than to tell Williams about it, "this I promised myself, a promise which left a sour feeling in my mind. "
But unknown to me, Kate had her own plans which soon reshaped and turned everything up side down for me...

The dawn of the new day suddenly arrived quickly than I expected. I tossed uneasily on Williams' bed.
"how do I face Mike today? "
My strength failed me. I stayed away from school lectures that fateful day, and stayed indoors with Williams, who really was very glad to sacrifice his Lectures because of me.
We had a wonderful time playing,


kissing and Joking but deep down I still felt very uneasy. I kept thinking about Mike and his line of action,
Since I failed to show up in school.
My heart leapt each time I heard someone knock on a neighbour's door, being scared it was him knocking on my door.

"I hope you are alright dear, you look very anxious and uneasy?"
Williams asked numerous times that fateful day but instead of telling him my plight, I preferred to keep it firmly sealed in my heart.
"Cindy am disappointed at you, I can't believe you still haven't told Williams about
Mike, despite everything I said to you yesterday.

Seriously girl you are no longer behaving like the Cindy I use to know, or are you under a spell or are you still harbouring some form of affection for that stupid boy?"
Kate asked suspiciously, when she came into my room later in the evening, after returning from school...
"You won't understand "
I murmured and bit my lips,
"Yes I can't understand your behavior anymore, You even skipped lectures because of that boy damn".
She replied and shook her head.

"I know what I'm doing okay, you are just misinterpreting my actions dear "
I murmured.
She shrugged and changed the topic, while I instantly felt relieved, because I really had no strength to argue with her.
However when Williams confronted me about Mike later in the night, I knew my best friend had snitched on me.
I felt very terrible, weak and lost, but what pained me the most was Williams' words to me which really injured my soul

I never knew you could keep such information
away from me.
I never believed I will ever hear such news from someone else.
Why Cindy? why??

he asked after repeating all Kate had told him.
I swallowed hard and looked away, with an injured pride, totally ashamed of myself.
"I can't even imagine You stayed away from school just because of him" he muttered.
"Baby I kept it away from you because I didn't want to involve you in my problem, I know how upset you will be if I tell you such news "
I explained truthfully, but for the first time he choosed not to believe me.
He stared at me for a while before looking down.
"Seriously I don't even know what to believe anymore, how am I even sure you haven't been meeting him secretly?
Perhaps it was your friend's conscience that made her open up to me even though I suspect she turned down the whole story which I know she hide some
he murmured.

I gasped in shock, grabbed his right hand strongly, forcing him to bring his eyes back on me.
Williams has never doubted, suspected, nor spoken silly words to me, but that moment it appeared as if I lost all his trust.
The most painful part of it all was that he accused me unjustly and kept staring at me as if I was a half penny whore.
"My God, why did Katie, why did you do this to me " I wondered with a weeping heart, totally lost, dejected and heart broken....
"Good night" Williams muttered, snatched his hand from my grasp and turned his back on me.


"Where are you going to? "
I asked stupidly. "
"Going to my room of course"
he replied coldly,
"Please spend the night with me dear? "
I begged.
"I don't think it's necessary, you never wanted me to get involved, so it's better I stay away so that you can clean up your mess alone just like you wanted.
You can notify me when you are done
", he murmured and left my room.
"Honey your behaviour is punishing me, don't leave me here alone " I begged as he left.

I never knew Williams could ever get so annoyed with me in such manner, and it just looked as if my life was crashing in a terrifying manner. I spent that night tossing on my bed and crying.
I woke up the next day emotionally weak, perturbed and uneasy.
Kate showed up in my room by 7:55 am, I felt like killing her, but I had to control myself because I didn't want to create a scene with someone so vulgar.

"Why the drawn face huh?"
She asked and sat beside me with concern. I sighed and looked the other way, "snitch " I hissed quietly.
"hmmm okay, now I understand the monkey face you are showing me. Of course I told Williams everything because you have no reason for hiding Mike's disturbance from him."
"You won't understand what I did for you, "
"hahahahaha, you can thank me later,"
She patted my back and laughed.
"This is no laughing matter, your big mouth just cost me my relationship "
I murmured.
"please spare me that trash" she replied and fell back on my bed.

"I'm very serious, Williams almost bounced on me yesterday " I complained bitterly.
to my surprise, my dear friend laughed out loud.
"anyway I don't blame you, I caused everything by revealing my problems to you " I added sadly.
She sat up and stared at me seriously...
"baby don't talk like that, Williams Loves you very much, he just reacted as he should.
Relax he will come around to make peace
" she assured,.
"What if he doesn't? "
I asked.
"then you go yourself and beg him, you have
legs don't you?
she replied and winked at me.
"anyway I don't think Williams can last a day without you".
she concluded while I shrugged.

We argued and debated about Mike, Williams and how to settle my problems throughout that morning till 11:30 am, when we heard a steady knock on my door which interrupted us.
Kate quickly answered the door and froze when she saw who was knocking.
She slowly walked backwards like someone possessed by an evil power.
My face instantly coloured as I gasped and swallowed hard when I saw Mike confidently walk into my room with a steady smile.
But before I could recover from the shock,
Kate quickly regained herself and pushed him ferociously with an energy I have never in seen her.

Her push took him by surprise, and sent him staggering backwards towards to the open door.
Katie pushed again and again until he was out of the room without much resistance.
She quickly locked the door with great speed and rested her body on it as she gasped for breath.
I really was totally stunned, and surprised at the great courage she pulled.
I stared at her gratefully for some minutes and
breathed deeply
"Katttttiiieee baby you deserve some accolade "
I said with a flash smile.
God please give me the the kind of mind, strength and courage that resides in Kate.
I prayed...

"That guy really is something else, imagine the arrogance, the smile and the way he carried himself, Jeez!!"
Chioma muttered and fell on my bed.
"Do you think your action will stop him? "
I asked with a smile,
"of course not, what I did was just a temporary measure, stopping him permanently is in your hands."
she replied.
"But i think you should first apologize and sort out your difference with Williams, before having anything to do with that rascal, or else
you will be adding more salt at your problems
" she lectured.

Imagine allowing him into your room and Williams shows up in the process, she added.
A shiver ran through me as I imagined it all,
"you are right dear, I will settle with Williams this evening "I assured her.

Mike knocked on my door for hours and left when he realised nothing would make us open door for him.
Kate later left for her own room.
I bathed, wore a sexy gown, sprayed perfume all over my body and went over to Williams' room.
He allowed me into his room without saying anything.
I smiled laid on his bed and stared at him while
he sat on his rug and backed me, focusing his eyes on the TV screen, even though I knew his mind was some where else.
"Honey I'm sorry " I quietly apologized and touched his right shoulder. He kept quiet
and ignored me.
"Baby you know the last thing I will ever do is to cheat on you, not with anybody or even with my ex. "
"I don't know you anymore" he muttered coldly.

I breathed deeply, climbed down from the bed
and sat beside him on the floor,
"Dear look into my eyes and repeat that comments, I won't disturb you again if you repeat it. "
I dared him calmly.
he looked into my eyes momentarily before looking away.
I smiled and heaved a sign of relief,
"I still have much control over him " I acknowledged. I gently kissed him, cutting off his tirade.
for a brief instant, he resisted, then sighed.
"It hurts me when you act like this " I murmured.
"Is there something you need to tell me?
he asked curiously.
I looked away and played the feminine stunt.

Tears fell from my eyes and I began to cry.
He instantly clasped me to his chest, hugging and caressing me.
"ssshhhh" he soothed,
"it's ok, everything is alright"
I smiled in my mind.
Scratched his face as I probed for equivocation, but encountered none, which ultimately made me accept his pledge to be genuine.

He kissed me tenderly then pressing me unto the rug from shoulders to toes.
My most sensitive areas were flattered to him from my bosoms to his chest. I breathed deeply and murmured to myself.
"My dearest Williams is the most gullible guy I have ever met ", and it was so because he loved me with all his heart.
"Why are you smiling" I soon heard him ask.
but I didn't reply because I was busy planning my next line of action, which was stopping Mike from disturbing me.

I felt uneasy thinking about it as if I knew my downfall was approaching....
"Please my love don't ever mistrust me again "
I whispered pleading into his ear, minutes after the sex.
He swiftly turned and stared into my eyes with the cutiest smile ever.
"it won't happen again dear" he promised and kissed my lips.
I smiled gratefully, played with his left ear for a while before playfully pinching his Jaw.

"I have another request to make My Love " I carefully murmured.
He held my left hand and nodded for me to continue,
"Please allow me to handle Mike the way I deem fit I begged humbly. "
His expression instantly changed and he breathed deeply like someone in pain, as he scanned my face with his eyes like a detective.
"but baby I don't..." I instantly placed a finger on his lips, deliberately stopping his objection.
"Honey please " I begged with my faminine charms which I instantly displayed.
he looked away for some seconds, shrugged and faced me again.
"Ok if that will make you happy and equally get him to leave you, who am I to object" he accepted.
I kissed him happily, every pore in my body smiled with excitement.
"Thanks My Love, you are just the best, very understanding and considerate too "
I murmured happily before lying on his body like a Little child.


"Do you think you can handle Mike on your own" Kate asked with concern the following morning, after listening to the narration I gave her on how I secured Williams' love and trust again.
"Yea I can, or don't you trust me anymore? "
I answered and stared at her suspiciously.
Seriously her behaviour and loyalty seemed to change, since she learnt of Mike's return.
"I do trust you dear" she flashed a quick smile, shrugged and expertly changed the

2:30pm a day Later I was about taking my usual Sunday siesta when I heard gentle knocks on my door.
I lazily got up from my bed, opened my door and gasped in surprise when my eyes fell on Mike smiling nervously. I felt weak on my knees, while My heart skipped a bit, I really don't know why I always felt uneasy each time I happen to meet his gaze, I wondered as I stared coldly at him.
"Cindy all need is just two minutes of your time, Please don't shut your door and grant me audience please"
he begged softly.
I breathed deeply and let him in.

"thanks for letting me into your room" Mike said.
"I know what I came to say maybe a bit difficult and probably weird to you but I really
came with every bit of sincerity and honesty a guy could ever muster.
Before I begin please let's keep all our differences and things of the past aside and
think only about the future
he fluently poured out.
I scoffed, held my jaw and nodded for him to continue.
"**I know I did a very terrible unforgivable deed by abandoning you, I really apologize for that and I know if you will ever bear to hear my side of the story, you really will understand why it happened.

Anyway let me go straight to why I came here, he added.
My heart pounded furiously.
Baby I really came to finish the dream we started together years ago. Remember our plans, hopes and dreams we shared, drawings and promises we made to each other as we mapped our life years ago?
I have returned with the noble intention of finishing it.
let's forget the past and forge ahead please.
I now work with Standard Chartered bank, just like I told you I will when I graduate.
Please don't let the feelings of anger cloud your sense of judgement.

My parents are waiting for you, my heart is very eager to unite with yours and my soul could only be at rest with you by my side.
Cindy please let's finish this dream together he pleaded.
"Stop!!!!! " I snapped, cutting off his speech midway.
I truly couldn't believe his words were having terrible effects on me. I really was hypnotized.
"What's wrong with me, why am I even listening to all this thrash "I wondered, terribly
alarmed at the apparent change in me.

I instantly trembled when I felt his touch as he expertly reached out, held my fingers and knelt by my side, when he noticed how shaken I was.
"I see confusion in your eyes. But please think this through, remember how we started and remember our dreams to be as one.
Cindy I went away for so long to conquer the world, Now I'm back with the gold and silvers which I lay at your feet,
Please listen to the silent whispers in your heart
" he murmured like a devil,
Confusing me the more.

I was lost, confused and alarmed. My heart yearned for another thing, while my body demanded for another.
Sure he was MY FIRST LOVE, but isn't old memories supposed to fade with time?
"I will be back for your reply Cindy" he whispered and kissed me before I could even
breathe twice nor say anything, his kiss so bitter but very strong that shook my hormones and make me feel so terrible that I gasped for air.
Before I could get myself back to look up at him, he was gone.

"Lord please help me " I prayed.
I knew I finally have gotten a very terrible secret to hide from everyone.
"not even Kate will hear of this or that Mike kissed me"
I concluded to myself.
"How shameful it will be if she finds out " I reasoned as I wondered how to overcome
the terrible effect Mike's disturbance was having on me......

I couldn't sleep that day as my body, soul and
spirit revolted.
They clashed and fought each other for supremacy over the control of my heart. I was terribly lost, dejected and confused. I really couldn't believe I was thinking over Mike's request, nor considering seeing him again.


Am I still in love with him?
What of my sweet Williams?
Ain't I supposed to be think of him only,
What will Kate say?
Am I mentally sick or what?
I kept asking myself as I searched my mind for hidden answers.
"Am I truly in love with Williams, or am I just using the poor boy to satisfy my boredom?
Unbelievable me!!

I end up crying with guilt, disbelief and remorse.
I had no one to share my problems with, and
Kate who could have helped, really proved to be on Williams' side.
So I feared she might report everything to him,
If I should open up to her.
The week slowly crept by without Mike showing up nor disturbing me.
I tried my best to make good use of my time,
Concentrated on my studies and returned Williams' love.

He really helped me get back some of my confidence, but all night was a terrible experience because Mike's image kept appearing in my head.
As a girl I carried my secrets without revealing nothing to anyone. If Williams noticed the change in me, he never showed it nor ask any probing questions.
I equally avoided Kate to the extent I only saw her thrice that week.


I was on my way to my hair dresser's saloon when I ran into Mike at the hostel gate.
"Why are you here? "
I asked coldly
He just smiled and stared at me all over.
"I came to see you my dear, good morning" he murmured.
I sighed, pushed him out of my way and walked towards my destination.
"Where are you going to? I can drop you" he offered, pointing at a black coloured Lexus 330 car parked outside.

"You wanna showcase your new old model bound new car right?? "
I scoffed, gave him an askance look and tried to continue with my journey, but still held me strongly and stared into my eyes pleadingly.
"Please it won't do you any harm, moreover we can discuss as I drive you to wherever you are going to"
he pleaded.
I breathed deeply, looked around, saw no familiar face within the premises, and
"alright, but i will never enter your car ever again " I muttered.


"No qualms, thanks dear" he accepted happily, rushed to his car, opened the passengers door, help me in, sat on the driver's seat, switched on his car engine and drove off as he stared at me searchingly.
"You can drive to Dora's saloon, I want to retouch my hair " I commented.
he smiled, floored the accelerator and drove towards Dora's salon.

"I never knew you still patronize her, I thought you always complained that she cuts
your hair each time she touches it?
" he asked.
I looked away.
"So he still remembers how I complained about Dora during the days we were together, years ago "
I reasoned with disbelief.
We soon arrived at the hair dressing salon.
He parked his car.
"I will wait for you" he murmured..
"No don't bother, thanks " I replied a bit cold.
"I insist dear" he strongly added.
I breathed deeply shrugged and got out from his car.

"Why do I always end up playing this dirty game with him, how will all these end? "
I wondered as I walked into the salon.
He sat in his car and waited for me, while I sat in the salon and kept praying to God to help, guide and protect me from the dangerous path I was walking into...

A woman's life is very complicated and uncertain, but male folks never seem to
understand or notice.

"Mike we can never be together again, all I can offer you this moment is only friendship.
How many times do you want me to repeat this,
Please stop wasting your time with me and search for another girl
I pleaded quietly as we headed back to my lodge after I was done fixing my hair.
he frowned slightly, stared at me for a while and
drove on silently.
Thinking over everything as I fixed my hair, I came to conclusion that perhaps I wasn't destined to be with him, because I didn't see any good reason why he even abandoned me in the first place.

Yet I also couldn't deny that I wasn't feeling something for him, even though it wasn't strong enough to make me risk my relationship with Williams.
Mike drove on silently until we got to my lodge.
"at least can I have your number please" he begged,
"no Mike I can't, I really do need to forget everything about you and so do you "
I confessed.
He swallowed hard, drew a bit closer and held my hand softly.
"Why are you resisting me so strongly?"
he asked quietly.
"You are not just giving me fair hearing, please allow me to explain why I kept awayf rom you" he begged.
"No explanation can justify what you did,
Please I beg of you, stop disturbing me
I pleaded.

he quickly followed me, but unluckily for me,
I ran into Williams who was standing beside the hostel gate with an empty gallon in
his hand.
Oh God!!!
Dammit I am finished!!!!!
......I panicked and gasped, while Mike equally stopped, stared at us for a while, turned back, entered his car and drove off as if he understood.

Williams silently stared at me with surprise. I really was at lose on what to say or how to explain myself because he clearly saw both of us even before we did see him, and I knew there was no way he wouldn't put the whole scene together.
I quickly ran to my room without saying anything to him, expecting him to run after me but instead he went ahead with his own business.

I rushed and prepared some food for lunch as I waited for him to show up, perhaps to demand for an explanation.
But he didn't which further surprised and alarmed me.


With a fast beating heart, I dutifully carried two plates of Sandwiches to Williams' room.
Since he failed to show up and have his lunch in my house, so I had no choice than to take the food to his room.
He allowed me into his room with a sneer on his face, while I smiled nervously as I dropped the two plates on the rug.
"Can you explain the scene I just witnessed hours ago?"
he instantly asked coldly.
I swallowed hard and stared at him, clueless on how to explain the scene Mike and I created.

I remorsefully looked down and said nothing.
Surprisingly, he advanced and pushed me violently.
I fell and somersaulted on his bed, while his fist closed in on me before I could even
recover from the shock his violent push gave me.
I held my breathe and closed my eyes.
Williams is not a violent person, I guess it was all my fault. Yet I felt very bitter and blamed him for concluding without proper investigation.

Closed my eyes as I nervously waited for his fist to land on me.
But after waiting for some seconds, I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me with hatred and rage.
I instantly turned and attempted to run back to my room he grabbed my hand and violently tossed me back on his bed.
"What has come over you, control yourself please, things are really not as they seem "
I murmured as I struggled with him, trying to defend myself.

He just scoffed, shook his head and bit his lips.
"I know what I saw Cindy, or were my eyes deceiving me when I saw you come out right from that guy's car, or was I dreaming? Please tell me I was dreaming".
he shouted angrily.
"I have been such a big fool to believe your cock and bull story about ending things with him your own way.
I guess you were doing it perfectly this afternoon or do you want to tell me the guy I
saw wasn't your ex, eeh??
he barked.

"Let me be please , I see you haven't learnt to trust me after all I sacrificed in this relationship ", I shouted back, sat up and dared him.
"Truthfully trust is a silly word you girls use to deceive us, Cindy I don't trust you anymore"
he said coldly and bluntly.
I felt insulted, dirty and wounded.
I never knew a day would come when Williams will talk back at me, more or less insult and humiliate me in such manner.

"What do you just say? "
I asked angrily.
"Your recent behaviours aren't in anyway decent, I don't trust you my dear, read my lips" he shouted disrespectfully.
I drew forward, slapped him and jumped out of his bed.
"Since you no longer trust me, better keep away from me "
I barked angrily.
"I guess you have gotten the perfect opportunity you were waiting for huh?
You are now free to run into his arms
He taunted.

I stared at him with tears in my eyes.
"I have my pride and dignity, I will never be insulted nor humiliated by anyone not even by you, don't come back begging " I threatened and left his room.
I hate myself as I cried and ran to my room that moment, but it was the only thing I could do.
"How do I redeem myself, why is Williams behaving this way?
How do I atone for my sins?
Is it my fault that he saw me with Mike, didn't i do the right thing by refusing his advances?
Why am I punished this way?
God why?? "
I cried ......


Stay tuned for the next episode in 48hrs.

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