Series (s-4): The BROKEN TRUST


A must read and a very interesting true life Story on the tragedy of a young pretty girl.

Episode 04

....Unluckily Williams came in that very moment..
I instantly broke free from Danny's arms when I saw Williams enter my room. My heart did beat furiously and my legs began to sake, as he sat on my bed with a blank expression...
Danny just watched with a smile on his face as he stared at Williams who just pretended as if he didn't notice his presence.
"cool dude, whatsup"
I heard Danny say, as he drew close to him with an extended right hand, which he unhappily shook with a dry smile on his face.

That moment I felt like disappearing like a ghost as I watched them with frightened eyes..
"Sweetheart I have to get going, we will continue our discussion later, okay!"
Danny said and smiled before leaving my room.
So all I did was just to stare at him silently, because I was extremely confused that moment....
"Here are the movies you asked me to buy"
Williams said coldly, as he stood up immediately Danny left the room. I drew closer to him and stared into his eyes, but he instantly looked away...

He dropped the small bag, which instantly opened as soon as it landed on my bed, revealing a plate of ice cream, a well wrapped cake and two Korean movies, which I eyed hungrily as soon as I saw them...
I'm going to my room, do have a nice evening he added with a cold tone, which sent shivers down my spine.

I instantly reached for his right hand, which I held tightly with shaking hands.
"Why are you leaving so soon, and why is your voice so cold?"
I asked, even though I knew the reason why he was acting that way was because he was angry,
but naturally as a girl I pretended not to know, moreover I equally owed him no explanation because I wasn't yet officially his girl friend...
"Please I'm very tired, we will talk later"
he replied, without even looking at me, while I bit my lips as l cursed Danny in my mind,

"Wills, what you saw earlier, doesn't mean anything, he just forced himself on me " I
tried to explain, which I really did with a whole lot of courage, because I hate explaining my actions to anyone, and I equally had to do it, because I love and cared very much about him, but my explanation only made him more angry,
and his eyes furiously burn as he looked at me in a way I never had seen him.

"let me go, you girls are all the same"
he muttered, snatched his hand from my grip and left my room.
His last words smote my heart like a double edged sword...
Oh how it pains to be wrongfully accused or suspected.
I battled with my pride as I watched him leave.
Truly I felt like following him to his room that moment, and continue with my explanation, but I held myself.

let him be for now, don't go after him,
You are a girl for Christ's sake.


My mind advised me.
I locked my door and laid on my bed,
While my thoughts kept me company as I wondered and reasoned how Williams
must have felt when he saw Danny and I hugging.
"but it was just a friendly hug"
I reassured myself and sighed...
I really was confused on how to approach Williams or apologize to him without appearing cheap and desperate because there is nothing I hate more than a girl begging a guy over a little thing.

"hmmm, I did that when I was that little naive girl, I don't think I will stoop so low for that crap again? "
I muttered to myself, even though my mind wasn't strong as I sounded...
Two hours later, I left my room and knocked on Williams's door, which opened a minute later, but it wasn't Williams who opened the door,
but one of Danny's friend who also was a cultist and our neighbour too..

I gasped in surprise when I saw him, because I knew he wasn't friendly or close with Williams but I kept my thoughts to myself, as I forced out a smile and entered into the room.
I panicked and shook in fear when I equally saw Danny sitting on the couch with a smile on his face, while Williams sat on his rug and faced his television.

I smelled danger immediately, even though everything appeared normal inside the room...
"Hahaha your friend is already here,
We have to get going
Danny said with a smile as he nodded to his friend, who was at the door, he stood up and shook hands with Williams.
"Babe don't look at me that way please,
I just dropped by to see Williams and also make him my friend, you know he hadly talks to people
he explained as he drew close and touched my left cheek, before leaving the room with his friend.

"Hope everything is okay? "
I asked Williams with concern immediately they left the room but he said nothing to me, "please talk to me "
I anxiously pleaded as I held his left hand.
"Everything is fine"
he said with a dry smile, while I shook my head.
Your voice doesn't sound alright,
"tell me what did he say to you? "
I asked, but he just smiled again and stared at me.
"it's just guy's talk and it's really nothing you should know"
he replied coldly, before facing TV again, while I bit my lips, stormed out from his room, and
matched towards Danny's apartment angrily..

I matched like an angry lion ready to devour anybody that tried to stop me, seriously I never knew I had such courage to match toward Danny's room that evening unaided.
I soon got to his door and knocked furiously.
but I was caught off guard when a pretty girl opened the door and stared at me in
"eemm is Danny inside? "
I managed to ask, but the girl just kept quiet and looked me over.

Luckily Danny soon appeared with a smile behind the girl, I knew you will show up Hahahahaha,
"Julie please make way for our visitor to enter "
I heard him say...
I didn't come for a friendly visit.


"Danny please leave Williams and I alone, we didn't do anything to you "
I barked at him furiously, while his smile quickly died away, as my words hit him like
a disfigured ferrari. Julie equally stared at me with confusion in her eyes, while Danny quickly
controlled his surprise and forced out a smile again.

"Please come in and let's talk, I don't understand your outburst"
He said to me, but I just looked at him furiously and walked away fearlessly...
"Just imagine this idiot even had his girlfriend in his room, tomorrow he will try to lie that she is his sister Mtcheeew "
I said with a long sigh as I went back to Williams' room...

"Where did you go?"
he anxiously asked, as soon as I entered his room,
"I went to give that silly idiot that calls himself Danny a piece of my mind "
I replied, while his face coloured immediately...
"Are you crazy?
What did you just do?
I mean why do you have to do that?
he asked with a slightly raised tone, while my eyes equally sparkled with anger as I stared at him...
"You're asking me if I'm crazy right? "
No qualms then, I guess I brought all these problems upon myself "
I said angrily stood up and left his room.
"No, hold on I never meant to insult you"
I heard him plead, as he rushed up and held my left hand, but i snatched it from him and walked back to my room...

He knocked on my door for hours, called my phone countless times, and even sent me a lot of text messages that evening, of which I ignored all of them, because I really wanted to punish him a little, though I must confess that I enjoyed every bit of it... It feel good to see guys beg girls..

I equally heard Danny's pattern of knocking on my door later in the night, I equally ignored it and slept off..

Early the next day, I went down stairs to tidy up few things, because I planned to travel the next day.
"Hello good morning" I heard a feminine voice greet,
I turned instantly with a smile, and there stood the same girl I saw in Danny's room the previous day staring at me....
"Hi dear"
"Do you recognize me?"
She asked,
"of course I do, you're the girl I saw in Danny's room yesterday right? " I replied and asked,
"Yea I'm the girl,
I'm so sorry for being a little rude to you yesterday
She apologized while I laughed,
"were you rude to me? "
Hmmm I didn't even notice it,
anyway its cool my name is Cindy"
I said to her,
"Lovely name dear mine is Julie"
She replied,
"Yea I know " I said with a smile,
as I walked back to my room, while she blushed...
"Please there is something I wish to sit down and discuss with you"
She humbly pleaded.

I stared at her in surprise and breathed deeply,
I'm a bit busy today and I'll travelling later on but I'll be free by midday tomorrow, will tomorrow evening be okay for you?
I asked.
"Yea it will, I will come over to your place"
She replied with glittering eyes, which made her look even more beautiful.
"do you know my room? "
I asked with surprise,
"of course I do"
She replied with a smile.
"okay till then "
I said as I nodded in agreement, before walking away.
While My thoughts kept me company, I wondered what she really wanted to discuss with me..

I really couldn't relax when I finally travelled home that fateful day, as I kept on wondering what Julie wanted to discuss with me but then I really had no clue nor choice, than to exercise patience till the next evening when we scheduled to meet...
"I don't understand you anymore, are you still angry with me?"
I heard William ask,
When I finally answered his phone call later in the evening.

Truly I equally was so glad to hear his voice, because even though I really was angry
with him, for the tone and words he used on me the previous day, I equally knew I also was at fault...
"let's just forget about it, it's all in the past "
I replied calmly.
"thank God you know, anyway where are you?"
he asked,
"I travelled home but I will be back tomorrow " I replied.
"My goodness , you just travelled without informing me?"
he asked bitterly,
"I'm sorry, though you caused it "
I muttered quietly...

I returned the next day, with a heavy pocket, and lots of food stuff which gladdened my heart and made me very happy,
"God bless you mum"
I sang to myself.....
By 2 pm, after I had kept all my food stuff where they were suppose to be, I freshened up and headed to Williams' room, dressed in my black sleeveless top and a bum short, which I purposely brought out for seduction even though I had no intention of having sex with him.
With a bowl of oranges, guava, and English pear on my left hand, I knocked on his door which opened seconds later.


"Oh my god!"
"You're indeed a rare beauty"
he exclaimed immediately as his eyes fell on me.
I smiled seductively and cat walked into his room.

"did you miss me? "
I asked with a smile.
"Of course I missed you"
he replied instantly as he stared at me with open mouth, Like a dog watching his master eat...
I sat on the couch, beside his reading table and crossed my legs, while his eyes glittered hungrily as it fell on my laps,
"here are the fruits I brought for you, hope you know how to peel orange? "
I asked with a smile, as I stood up seconds later,
"No I don't know how to peel them"
he replied jokingly, drew close and held my waist, which really sent a direct signal to my bosoms...

"I will peel them for you later in the evening, I want to go and prepare my soup with the ingredients my mum gave to me, before they get spoilt "
I explained, while he breathed deeply.
"okay then let's go together"
he said with a smile.
"No don't bother I'm expecting a friend "
I replied.
he bit his lips and stared at me suspiciously, but luckily for him, he didn't ask any stupid question which could have brought another problem between us...

"Okay then I guess I'll have to wait here for the soup" he said with a forced smile,
"I never said I was bringing any for you "
I joked, touched his jaw and left without another word..
I really do love to cook, and its really one of the qualities I inherited from my Mum, who never gets tired of cooking even when her children are around.

Few minutes later I finish cooking the soup and as I was about bringing it down from my cooker, when I heard gentle knocks on my door...
I opened the door to see Julie standing with a sweet smile on her face.
"Hey dear, hope I came at the right time, because I can perceive a sweet aroma
around here.
"I just finished cooking a pot of soup "
I replied politely,
"hmmm really!
I thought you just returned?"
She asked, while I just smiled and shrugged,
moments later we we're about settling down for discussion.
I heard another knock on my door.

Danny's pattern of knocking.
"who could be knocking his way?"
I heard Julie ask.
"I think it's Danny "
I answered with a smile as I watched her face, while she instantly gasped in fear...
"Please I don't want him to know that I'm here"
Julie held my left hand and pleaded with frightened eyes, while I looked at her in surprise as I equally searched her face.
"I will explain later but please,
don't let him come into your room
She added coldly.
"Don't worry dear, I won't "
I assured her with a smile...

I finally opened my door half way with a fast beating heart, and blocked the entrance with my body as I stared at Danny who just smiled
sweetly at me like an innocent child.
"Hey dear how are you doing?"
he asked.
"I'm fine and busy with my assignments "
I replied.
"can I come in?
promise not to disturb you, I'm very bored and lonely in my room
he asked with a smile, while I shook my head.
"Please come some other time, I really want to be alone" I answered with a serious look. He smiled, shrugged and gave me a cold look which really frightened me,
"okay I will come later in the evening"
he said before walking away, while I breathed deeply.
"what is wrong with this guy? "
I asked myself....

"Has he gone?"
Julie inquired curiously as soon as I locked my door, while I smiled and advanced towards her,
"Yea dear he has gone back to where he came from "
I replied with a smile,
while she breathed deeply,
"Thank God"
I heard her mutter...
"So dear I'm very eager to hear what you come to discuss with me "
I said curiously as I sat beside her, but she just looked away as if she wasn't sure of herself anymore.
I have the feeling Kelechi knows I'm here,
I heard her mutter with a lost voice.
I drew closer and rested my right hand on her left shoulder,
"what is really going on and why are you so scared of him? "
I asked.
"I don't think it's important anymore I have to get going"
She said and stood up suddenly while I held her left hand strongly, and pleaded with her.
"I don't think it's important anymore, I have to get going."
"Please open up to me, I promise to keep our discussion secret "
I pleased desperately, even though I really didn't know what pushed me to do so.
She stared at me silently for a while, before sitting on my bed again.

"I couldn't help but notice how attached and obsessed Danny has become over you,
do you have feelings for him?"

She asked as she looked into my eyes,
While I instantly was thrown into shock, confused and surprised at the same time, because I really didn't know the motive behind her question. whether she is asking the question as a girl friend, sister, solicitor or a jealous stalker, but before I could get back my composure, her phone rang... Her face coloured as she stared at her ringing phone for a while before standing up again,
"I better start going, we will talk some other time"
She muttered as she walked towards my door, while I stared at her in silence, because I really was very stunned, extremely surprised and confused.

She left my room without another word, while I stood up, walked to my door locked it and returned to my bed, where I lay with my thoughts before falling asleep due to fatigue.

I jolted from my bed around 7:30 pm that evening, dished our our night meal, freshened up, and left for Williams' room.
I walked into his room with a delicious and tasty meal, while he stared at me happily, when he opened his door...
"I thought you weren't gonna come again"
he confessed, which equally made me smile.
"Nah, I was carried away by sleep"
I explained with a yawn.
We ate silently that evening because we were both very hungry, and maybe be because he was very hungry, he never asked about the friend whom I told him I was expecting earlier in the day, which really earned him a great deal of my respect, even though, I knew I wouldn't
have been able to hold myself from asking,
If I was in his shoes...
Soon we are done with the meal, which finished quickly, and he came closer and sat beside me and waited upon me as I peeled oranges for

Hon.., I must confess you are the best thing that happened to me so far, you gave my life a meaning when I thought I had lost all hope, I promise I will love you as long I live, I know for sure you really don't know how much you have changed my life and the kind of influence you now have over me I can hardly stay an hour without thinking about you, and about us.

he muttered moments later, while I blushed.
"Seriously dear, you have redefined my life, and I do owe you a lot for that."
Thanks dear for accepting me even though I know I'm not that romantic, but I'm trying my best to learn, I promise to do everything within my power to make you happy, I love you so much"
he poured out to me, while my hands shook slightly...
He reached for the orange I held with my left hand, took it from my grasp, knelt down by my side and kissed my lips...
I trembled under the hotness of his kiss and it was as if a thousand volts of love had hit me.
He drew up my face and stared into my eyes,
oh baby I wish you could feel how my heart is beating for you right now"
he muttered.
I wish you could feel how I'm trembling inside because for you
I said to myself...

He brought down his lips and kissed me again, this time more stronger than the first kiss.
I closed my eyes, and moaned softly for him,
which really got him excited...
he grasped my two bosoms and squeezed them softly, while my heart, body, and soul opened up for him...
His touches and caresses this time around was better than the first attempt, and with the way he was going about it that evening, I knew it was just a matter of time before he disvirgined himself.

I enjoyed his caresses that evening.
He suddenly stopped and stared into my eyes for some seconds, and my eyes melted as I returned his look,
"Baby please I want you to make this night special and a memorable night for me", he begged like a child before kissing me again.
I smiled and kissed him in approval, he kissed me back and it was more intense than what we had before, and suddenly he stopped the kisses, reached out for my Top and pulled it out.
He started caressing and romancing my body and later move down to my right breast and began working on it, few minutes later he switched to my left breast and the feeling was something else, and finally he wore his condom and had sex with me.

As we were having sex, I lost myself and I didn't know when I started speaking in tongues...
Williams you are the sweetest, the best, you are my honey, you are my shuga, you are my coffee, cake,.. Hmmmm the pleasure I got that moment gave me a glimpse of paradise.. It was just heavenly.
We had fun and pleasure almost all through that night. I barely had returned to my room the following morning,
When Kate knocked and entered my room with a very sad and tired look.

She looked ugly that moment like a night worker who worked without rest all through the night.
She wearily fell on my bed with a sigh. I sat beside her, with both hands on my waist and stared curiously at her with
"It's over between Des and I"
She muttered, while I gasped in shock.
"What did you just say? "
I heard myself ask.
"My relationship with Desmond is over"
She announced again, I just breathed deeply and kept quiet for few seconds.
"How, Why?
What exactly happened "
I calmly asked.

"I confronted him last night about his ties with those gang boys, he tried denying that he had nothing to do with them but when I became more serious with my questions, he barked at me almost hitting me in the process.
I gave him a condition to that effect or kiss our affair goodbye,
Yet he ignored me till this morning when I left the room
She explained unhappily, while I smiled and held her left hand.
Even though I never supported her relationship with that boy, I knew my friend really loved him,
and so I had to be cautious and neutral when advising her.

I looked at my wall clock which read 7:30 am, bit my lips and stared at my friend.
I planned going to school that fateful day but with the look of things I knew I might skip lectures again.
"Babe are you very sure about your decision?
You know you really love him and already into him which is a fact you can't deny
I asked with a smile, but she kept quiet and pretended as if she didn't hear what I said.
Someone knocked on my door seconds later, which made me move my attention to my door.
I waited before finally opening my door, where a nervous looking Desmond greeted me with a forced smile.
"Is Kate over here with you?"
he calmly asked with a searching look at first, I truly was lost on what to reply him, but when I finally made up my mind to deny ever seeing her that morning, Kate appeared behind me and
Shouted at him.

"What are you doing here, leave me alone"
She barked before shutting the door on his face.
Instead of Des leaving, he surprised us by knocking again for almost an hour and it really appeared as if he wasn't ready to leave my door alone until it was opened.
I really was uncomfortable and a bit sad, because i was standing by my friend.
"I think you should have a little chat with him,
You never can tell what he wants to say to you
I finally whispered to Katie when I couldn't endure his knock anymore.

She tried to argue, but I gave her no chance, stood up and opened my door for Desmond
who quickly rushed to her side. I never believed nor dreamt that someone like Desmond could ever do such a thing for a girl,
"Is that what true love really means or is that he just trying to defend his pride? "
Was the question I kept asking myself as I left them alone in my room all alone and went outside for a walk.

I ran into Danny and friends with a deep sigh, I went to the extreme of the street where a shop nearby was located and equally where Danny and his friends do stay most of the time to gym and smoke their Indian hemp, well since I badly needed to buy some things at the closest possible range, I slowly went in there with a fast beating heart and there Danny stood and two guys sat beside him discussing seriously.
I greeted them but they ignored me and I walked into the shop quietly.

On my way out, I overheard Danny say "I will be in your room later" with a serious look as I said nothing to him, though I managed to force out a smile, which I knew he interpreted wrongly as I slowly passed them and returned to my room with my thought focused on how to bring an end to his disturbance.
"Oh Lord please don't let this fire burn my sweet Williams as well "
I prayed as I knocked and entered my room.
In a moment later, Des and Katie left my room.

30 minutes after they left...
I was still thinking on how to deal with Danny's cases.
I barely had settled in my room, when Williams's knock shook and woke me from my thoughts.
"Please dear I will like to be left alone "
I plead when he opened my door,
he stared at me with surprise but I looked away and avoided his gaze.
"hope you are okay?" he asked,
"Yea but please let me be for now, I will come over to your room later " I pleaded.
He stared at me for awhile, even though I knew his mind must be filled with questions that very moment.

Most times guys always misinterpret or don't understand when girls beg to be left alone, most of them however do oblige us with doubts and suspicions in their mind.
Sometimes, when girls go through a painful experience which she prefer not to share with anyone, she will like keeping to herself alone and having a boyfriend around that moment will always spoil the whole thing because of their inquisitive nature.
So no matter how much a girl loves a guy, there are still some secrets which she does keep away from him...

I really couldn't help but wonder what will be in Williams' mind at that moment because of my action towards him.
Moments later my heart leapt when I heard someone knock on my door with
Danny's usual pattern of knock which left me stunned, speechless and indecisive as I contemplated whether to answer and open my door or not....
Seconds later I gathered the courage to open the door.
What is it again?
I coldly asked Danny when I finally opened my door. I never really planned to answer his knock that fateful evening, but he wasn't ready to give up knocking on my door. In order to stop him from disturbing my neighbours whom I knew were already peeping from their respective door "key holes" to ascertain where the persistent knock disturbing them was coming from, and Williams whom I also knew heard the knock on the door, I really had no choice than to open the door and face the devil.
"What took you so long? "
he asked with a smile, expertly avoiding the question I asked him.
"What is It that you want? "
I coldly asked again, while my right hand strongly held my door knob, for easy closing of the door in case he tried anything silly.

C'mon baby why the angry look?
he asked with a composed smile. I boiled inside as I stared at him with hatred,
"how can he appear so calm, well composed and lively after all he just did? "
I wondered angrily. Anyway since you don't want to talk to me, let me go ahead and say what brought me to your room he added calmly.
I came to apologize because of what happened the other day and I truly did what I did just to prove to you that I mean no harm.

He explain, but his explanation and apology only got on my nerves and infuriated me the more. "You didn't harm me but you are trying to spoil my relationship with Williams. "
Just leave me alone please,
I bravely barked at him as his eyes instantly lit up in anger for a while before dying down again.
"If you know what's good for you, you better corporate with me."
"Danny is that a threat? "
I asked nervously.
He just smiled and walked away, leaving me in great fear, suspense and wonder.

Truly Danny knows how to leave a lasting impression on anyone he targets as he walked away that evening.
I was left in deep thought and fear as I tried to figure out what he meant by I "better cooperate "
I locked my door and rushed into Williams' room, deeply shaken and scared to my bones.

All I needed that moment was his soothing words and caresses to calm my nerves, and a decent sex to bring my broken spirit back to life...


"Honey, hope you are okay?"
he asked as soon as I landed on his body. His voice instantly aroused me and made my nipples hard...
I trembled as he touched me.
"Baby I hope you are okay?"
he asked with concern.
"Honey please continue " I replied shamelessly.
he shrugged and continued romancing and caressing me while I closed my eyes and
enjoyed his gentle caresses and romance. Even though I hardly admitted it.

Girls also do enjoy love making just like guys,
but the only difference is that they don't need it quite often like men, nor behave as if their life depends upon it.
Williams was very gently as he sucked, caressed and romance me all over. Even though he was still not an expert, but there was some improvements with the way he touched me that fateful evening.
Finally we had sex.
I closed my eyes with satisfaction and held him strongly.
"Oh my sweet Williams, you are so sweet ", This I said before caressing his bare back for
a while.
"Thanks so much " I whispered into his ear, which made him stare at me with surprised.

I knew he must be wondering that moment what has come over me and the reason why I thanked him after sex.
However he said no word, but left moments later to freshen up.
I equally got up afterwards and joined him in the bathroom where I freshened up too because I needed no more rounds, neither did he ask for more, even though I knew he lacked the courage to ask for more.
So in other not to upset me we did rest.
Be it as it may, I only came to his room that night to satisfy the craving in my heart, the itch between my legs and to fill my soul with his warmth which I achieved.
But however he never complained, and that's one thing I greatly love about him, he hardly complains.

Days later Danny saw me as I was returning from school, caught up with me at the staircase and held my right hand softly.
I stopped and stared at him coldly while he returned my look with a calm smile.
"I'm very sorry" he apologized.
I tried to snatch my hand from his grasp but
he strongly held me.
I stared at him speechlessly, tried again to snatch my hand but he still held it strongly.
"Just let me be Dan "
I replied with a raised voice thus time.
He stared around, before facing me once again.
"Cindy what I feel for you is no ordinary love, I swear I can pull down any building just to make you mine"
he added quietly.
I unhappily shook my head as I tried to calm myself down.

A new plan instantly rushed into my mind,
"Okay let's go to my room " I muttered coldly.
He followed me happily to my room and sat quietly on my bed, while I sat beside him with a well composed manner and faced him with a fake smile.
"Dan, you know you are so handsome and rich too, you are the dream of any girl on this campus, I do understand that you love me and I do appreciate it, but i cannot accept it "
I calmly said to him, while he silently stared at me,
"Like I said before I know you truly love " me I added and held his right hand which totally surprised him. "A great love like yours, even if it be unfortunate, should ennoble a man, not making him desperate and heartless. You are a good person just like I have seen few days you have been coming close, please let's just be friends, I do believe with time, I may learn to love you "
I murmured gently.
"But can't you offer something much more than ordinary friendship"
he asked instantly.

His anguish very real, not feigned in any way.
Dan, love is a thing of the heart, please friendship is all I can offer for now, here you are offering me love. "Danny, listen my hand does not tremble, my heart equally do not, your words give me no pleasure but only pain.
How else can I explain that I feel no love for you
I poured out to him.
"But with time, could you learn to love me?"
he eagerly asked,
"Yes I'm very sure I will. "
Dan, Please don't think I speak out of pride or in other to hurt you I lied sweetly.
All I wanted that moment was my freedom which I prayed that our little discussion would grant me. I saw a sudden shadow of despair come into his eyes.
I swallowed hard and muttered quick in silent prayers to my creator.
"You have unmanned me ,but I think you are right, I'm a nice guy who every girl on campus will die to have, I should not be forcing myself on you. Let's be friends like you said"
He muttered while his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
I heaved a sigh of relief, my eye instantly lit up with joy.

That moment I felt like hugging him in appreciation, but I held myself to avoid another historic event.
"Thanks a lot " I murmured with delight.
He stood there for some moments in silence, a dim perception of his own unworthiness came over him.
With a smile he tapped my left shoulder and left my room quietly "Is this the end of Danny's problem? "
I asked myself happily.
Only time will tell.....

Danny never disturbed me again which I loved so much, even though it was very surprising to Williams who couldn't believe that Danny easily
swallowed his pride and gave up.
Only time will tell what Danny has in mind...

Stay tuned for the next episode in 48hrs.

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