Series (s-3): The BROKEN TRUST


A must read and a very interesting true life Story on the tragedy of a young pretty girl.

Episode 03

.....As soon as Mike left, I felt very empty and it looked as if I had lost something so
precious, because I had really gotten used to his presence.
I couldn't even stay five minutes without thinking about him, nor stay an hour without calling his phone.
Seriously it really appeared to me as if my whole life depended on him and that was equally when I started to notice some changes in him.
His phone calls drastically reduced to the extent of twice on a very good week which I really didn't care about, since I did most of the calling.

But the one which pained me the most was when he refused to call me on my birthday, but only sent me a text message which got me extremely annoyed...
"how can an ordinary text message be compared to his sweet voice? "
I asked myself throughout that day as I waited patiently for his phone call which
never came.

With tears in my eyes, I read his text message over and over again till I finally slept off that fateful night without hearing his voice.
"or was he waiting for me to call him on my own birthday? "
I wondered sorrowfully.

It was really disheartening to receive phone calls from friends who meant nothing to
me, while the person I called my boyfriend found it very hard to call me and that moment
was equally when I began to have serious doubts about him.
"did I really choose the right person?"
I asked myself over and over again that fateful night.

I didn't expect him to buy me diamond or golden shoes, jewelry, nor clothes because
I knew he just graduated,
But all I wanted was just to hear his voice that particular day which was very hard for
him to satisfy me with.
I couldn't control my emotions the following day and with a shaking hand,
I dialed his phone number. "Hey baby, what's up?"
He asked when he picked his phone,
But due to my anger I couldn't answer him but instead poured out my unhappiness to him.
"You have really changed. You can't even call me on my birthday, You are very heartless, please don't call this number again "
I poured out to him before ending the call.

Even though I shouted at him, I really had expected him to call me back.
So I held my phone thinking that he would call back to apologize or even give me an excuse why he didn't call me but he equally found it too difficult to call back.

I really can't describe how I felt that moment because I was more than devastated. He finally called me around 9 pm, but due to my anger, I refused to answer the phone calls which rang five times before a text message followed.
The text message was from him and when I red it, I nearly fainted.

I know it will come to this one day but I never expected it will so soon.
Anyway good luck to you, I know you are with another guy that's why you are not answering your phone.
I won't disturb you again just as you ordered.

The text message he sent me really smote my heart, tears dropped out from my eyes as I read it over and over again.


"So Mike had never trusted me " I said to myself as I cried and the urge to call him
back and beg him that moment was so great, that I had to drop my phone.
"life why are you this cruel? "
I asked myself.
Kate rushed into my room with concern written all over her face but I said nothing as I handed my phone over to her.

Her face equally turned white as she read the text message Mike sent me.
"Hmmmm so so cruel "
She said to me as the memories kept flashing back....
"Babe please cheer up, this text message shouldn't depress you. I believe he is
just angry, you know how guys behave sometimes
Kate tried to console me but yet I was unable to stop myself from crying that night.

The following morning, she called him with her own phone but he refused to answer which really surprised Kate and all she did was just to shrug and shake her head.
"Babe don't get yourself worked up over him, he should be the person to cry for you.
So dear let's forget about him and get prepared for shopping, you know you told me that your food stuffs have finished
She said to me as she expertly changed the topic.

Mike never called me again, neither did i see him for the rest of that year.
But I soon pushed him to the back of my mind as I focused all my energy in my studies, which was why I came to school in the first place and not to fall in love with someone who doesn't deserve me.
However that period was very traumatic for me, because I woke up sometimes feeling very lonely and horny.

What really kept me going was my determination to get over him as I swore not to be so easily used again.
Although, I couldn't really believe that a guy like Mike, who took me when I was very pure could easily forget me, as if I never existed.
This equally made my heart very strong and hard towards guys that most of them avoided me because of my cold behaviour towards them.
It was also because of my past with Mike, which made me to pack out from my previous lodge and move into a new one where I met Williams.

The guy who softened me a bit and made my heart beat fast again.
"Hope I'm not making a big mistake again?"
I asked myself as I tossed around in my bed but then I really didn't know how his charms were able to soften my heart and turn me back to a sweet girl capable of loving again.
I was still thinking about him when my phone rang briefly and stopped, when I checked the caller, It was no other person than my Williams who had flashed me.

A smile appeared on my face. I checked the time it was 01:15 am.
"Why is he still awake by this time of the night?
Is he thinking about me?
" I asked myself with a smile, and I was still pondering over it when sleep finally carried me away.
oh My Williams....
"I like Williams very much, but I'm scared of making another mistake "
On our way back from school the following day, I confessed to Katie while she just smiled,
"sometimes I don't understand you"
She said to me, which made me to stare at her in surprise.
"what do you mean?" I asked her.
"hmm, Nothing " she replied, which only made me more curious to know what she
had in mind, "C'mon Katie, tell me what do you have in mind? "


I insisted, and she stared at me for a while, with a very serious look on her face.

"Your problem with Mike happened last year, what I don't understand is why you are still mourning him, and equally punishing yourself till now "
She said, which really shocked me immensely... "who told you I'm still mourning Mike or punishing myself? " I asked seriously.
"Isn't it obvious that you are, it's been a year and two months since you last had a guy in your life,
Which kind of punishment is more than that?
She fired back.
"Please it's no punishment to me, I'm single and happy "
I replied with a smile, while she laughed for a while...
"C'mon girl, pretender, don't tell me that crap "
She said with laughter, while I eyed her...
One thing I really do love about my friend Kate is her honest and blunt nature, and she never hides her feelings from me even for a single day.

Although sometimes she can be so annoying,
"If you like, continue to play a hide and seek game with the poor boy's feelings, I have nothing else to tell you again"
She added, while I slapped her shoulder,
"ma'm it's okay " I said to her.....
Falling in love for the second time isn't that easy, especially when you have been so terribly dealt with, the first time, but then love is an inevitable force of attraction which do come to every human being and when it comes, it carries your spirit, soul and body and even your sense of reasoning with it.

Truly I was so scared of being hurt again, because I knew I barely managed to survive my first heart break, which really wasn't easy for me and seriously I equally didn't know how my friends, espespecially Kate who are able to jump from one relationship to another without any emotional breakdown, "how I wish I could just be like them " I had often said countless times.

But then I really couldn't be like them, because we are not the same...
We soon got to our home, where Kate gave me a sweet smile before going to her own room, which she shared with her boyfriend.
"Take care, I will come to your room later "
She said as she smiled...
As I unlocked my door,
Williams just came out from his own room, with a sweet smile on his face, "finally you are back, I have been lonely all day" he said as he came towards me,
I stared at him with a smile, and I felt like hugging him that moment,
As my body yearned for his arms around me, but I kept myself in check, ands wallowed my wishes, because I equally knew he had no morale to hug me in that manner in a corridor, but surprisingly he drew close and hugged me,
Which really drew out dimples from my face.
"I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about us "
I equally heard him whisper....
Hmmm Love is full of surprises.
We entered my room together, where he sat quietly on my bed and watched as I quickly prepared some quick meal, because I returned from school with hunger.

But the way he stared at me that afternoon really made me to lose concentration a couple of times and equally made me uncomfortable...
"Please stop staring at me liiiiikkeeee tthaaat "
I finally muttered while he laughed.
"but I can't stop myself from staring at you'
He replied with my tone,
Which made me to sigh with a smile.
"You better go back to your room and watch your TV, since you are looking for who
to watch
I fired back while he laughed out loud.

"Watching you cook is more interesting than any TV programme"
He joked while I eyed him.
"big head " I cursed.
"Flat buttocks " he cursed back.
"Now there your eyes go first "
I replied, while he fell on the bed as he laughed,
"Madam cook fast, I'm very hungry "
He said as he laughed.
"I'm not your mother " I replied, as I eyed him...
After cooking, i freshened up in my bathroom, before dishing out the rice I prepared on a big plate.

We ate together in silence and the way he ate really told me that he was actually hungry...
"You cook nice but my Mum cooks better though"
He finally joked with a smile when he was filled up, while I eyed him.
"Youre only saying this because you're done with the meal, you should have dared to utter these words before we started eating "
I said with boldness, while he smiled,
"hope there is still some left in the pot? "
He also asked,
"Why do you ask? "
I asked back with a frown, "because I will still eat again at night"
He replied,
while I sighed with a smile.
Seriously that boy's head needed to be spanked at that moment...
Later we went to his room where we joked and laughed as we watch the movie he rented and I really was glad that he finally was able to feel free with me...

I really wondered how it happened.
Soon I found myself in his arms, as he kissed me tenderly, he wasn't a good kisser but I still enjoyed it as I closed my eyes, and I was equally thrown into another world when he squeezed my left bosom, and the feelings I had that moment was just heavenly.
But as I was still enjoying his touch, He suddenly stopped and looked into my eyes, while I opened mine and stared back at him, little embarrassed...
"This is my first time of being this intimate with a girl"
He confessed as he swallowed hard, while I stared at him in silence, because I really knew not how to react or what to say.
But then his eyes really say it all as he looked into mine...
"so Williams is actually a virgin "
I said to myself, as I stared back at him with a fast beating heart...
"Hope my confession didn't make u feel bad?"
I heard Williams anxiously ask.
I held his jaw and smiled,
"no dear it didn't "
I replied sweetly, and he heaved a sigh of relief, before giving me a kiss on my

I truly didn't know what else to tell him and so I stared silently at him, which he equally noticed. He drew closer to me and whispered into my right ear...


"babe hope you are alright?
Because you are yet to make any comment
He asked, while I breathed deeply and said nothing.
"I know you are very surprised? "
He asked as he held my right hand.
I nodded and smiled, sure yes I am, because it is very hard to believe that at your age and level in school you have never been so intimate with a woman, even for once.
I replied, and he looked down unhappily with a drawn jaw.

"I know something caused it and I can read it in your eyes and expression, tell me
what is it?
I curiously inquired, but he just fidgeted and looked away...
"Open up to me Wills, you will gain my trust more by opening up "
I added, while he bit his lips and stared at me painfully,

"I dated a girl for four years without sex "
He confessed and looked down in shame and pain. I reached out my hand and drew his face up and gazed into his eyes.
"Dear tell me how it all happened? "
I asked curiously, with a fast beating heart, while he shook his head...
I loved her with my whole body, soul and spirit, but she took that love for granted,
she held that love in her hand and crushed it as if it was nothing, she broke my heart
into pieces and walked away leaving me in pain and agony. Love is wicked
He said unhappily, while I strongly held his hand as I listened to him...
"So tell me about her "
I quietly urged and he swallowed hard, and bit his lips, we started dating right from highschool days.

She was my class mate and we equally got admitted into this university the same year.
All went well at first, even though we never had sex, just because she said we should save it for marriage, which I had no problem with, So since I loved and trusted her with all my heart, I let her be without asking her for sex again.

Moreover she equally was a good Christian and a chorister in our church too.
So I had no doubt over her fidelity, but then everything changed last year, when she started hanging out with the same boy she introduced as her course mate to me, and before I knew what was happening she finally told me that she doesn't have feelings for me anymore that she is now in love with the same guy she introduced to me.


He narrated sadly, while My heart wept for him...
I drew his hands and embraced him,
While he tightly held me, as if he was my child.
"Oh Willie, if only you haven't been so dull, this wouldn't have happened to you "
I said to myself as we held each other, and my love for him equally doubled, because I also deserve to have a male virgin for myself...
Can two broken hearts linked together make a giant heart for love??
Hmmmm.... Only time will tell.........

He tried to kiss me again but I politely pushed his face away, and his expression changed as he looked at me curiously,
"hope I didn't cause you any embarrassment by confessing to you" he anxiously asked into laughter,
"no dear you didn't "
I answer and he kept quiet ..
"It's just that I have to get going because I have an assignment I wish to tackle this
I explained,
While he shrugged, okay but I feel you are running away from me.
He replied, and I breathed deeply.
"Dear I will return once I'm done with my assignment "
I assured him, while he shrugged again.

"It's okay and please remember to bring another plate of rice for me when coming"
He added.
I then got up with a smile and left his room... I truly had no assignment to do that evening.
I only wanted to be alone for a while in order to control and calm myself down, because I didn't want to betray my excitement.
Moreover his confession really overwhelmed me, because I never dreamt I'd be so lucky to have a male virgin.
Whom I like so much for myself...
"hmmm am I not a lucky girl? "
I asked my image as I stared at my mirror with a smile, and just that moment I heard a knock on my door....
I opened my door happily, because I thought it was Katie my best friend who was at the door, because she earlier promised to show up, but my smile quickly
disappeared when I saw Danny standing at the door...
"hello pretty girl I came to keep you company" he said with a smile as he walked into my room, without even waiting for me to admit him in, while I froze in fear because everyone knew him as a notorious cultist....

However Danny was a very handsome and rich guy, who spoiled himself by belonging to a cult group, and he so much was into it, that he was very popular within and outside the campus, and he equally was a boy who thought the world only revolved around money and cultism....

As he sat on my bed with a smile,
I wondered what really brought him to my room, by that time of the day...
He crossed his leg as he stared at me with a confident smile, while I sat on my plastic chair and faced him with a drawn face. even though I was scared, I never showed it.

"are you not happy that I came to your room?"
I heard him ask, while I shook my head and forced out a smile, "I'm not feeling fine and I was about to sleep before you knocked "
I replied....
"But I just saw you coming out from Williams' room few minutes ago?"
he asked knowingly.
I just kept quiet and held my jaw with both hands,
"but on a serious note why is a pretty girl like you, always hanging out with someone with no swag? "
He asked with a serious look on his face.
I breathed deeply as I stared into his eyes with disgust,
"I like boys with no swag"
I replied, in a manner which would even make a brave Jew student raise his eyes brow in fear, but I cared not because I really didn't like even the air he breathes...
"Babe it's not a quarrell? Please I'm also your Friend "
He said calmly, While I shifted uneasily on my chair.

"I'm so sorry for the tone I used, it's just that I need to rest, please "
I said to him, while he shrugged, stood up and came to my side...
"Okay dear I will check on you tomorrow, please do take care of yourself"
He said to me as he caressed my hair a bit, while I held my breath as I equally restricted myself from making any annoying comment, because his touch really was very irritating, but then I was even more annoyed with his composure, because he just behaved confidently as if he owned both I and the lodge.....

He finally left my room with a well composed smile, which really annoyed me more, but I soon forgot all about him as I rested for a while, before warming my rice, and dishing out some for my Williams...
However as I stepped out from my room with a plate of rice around 9:00 pm,
I ran into Danny again, as he was coming out from the balcony, and hes miled as he saw me,
"Sweetie it seems like you are okay now?"
he asked jovially, while I smiled and passed him...

Williams was very happy when I brought the rice for him, and he thanked me countless times as he devoured it,
While I smiled confidently as I watched him eat...
I really didn't tell him about Danny's visit, which appeared very irrelevant to be discussed at that time, but then, a part of me really urged me to tell him, but I suppressed that urge and kept it to myself, even though I really didn't know whether I did the right thing, especially with the events which later unfolded...
"Please can you sleep in my room tonight? "
I asked Williams, who froze for a while as he stared at me in surprise.

Though I really didn't know what pushed me to make such demand, but I guess it was because I was very much scared of Danny and what he is capable of doing.
which really didn't make a whole lot of sense though, but then I equally knew in my mind that I secretly wanted to spend the night with Williams.

However I also knew what I did when I made such demand, because as a girl it could have been easier for me to sleep in his room but because of my pride I had to rephrase my demand, which I know any smart guy would understand the hidden meaning, but Williams really was all lost on what to say, and he just stared at me for a while before he was able to find his voice.

"hope everything is okay?" he asked with concern, while I just nodded.
"Yea it's just that I'm having a bad feeling which is making me to be scared "
I replied,
"don't worry dear, I will be by your side tonight" he assured me with a smile, so I smiled back in appreciation, even though I equally was disappointed that he didn't insist for me to sleep in his room, which most guys would have done.
However nothing really happened that night in my room, even though we both laid awake till very late in the night.

I was awake because it was my first time of spending the night with another boy, since I broke up with my Ex.
I also noticed that Williams was also awake,
because he kept tossing around on my bed.
I really didn't know whether it was because he was uncomfortable in my room that made him toss around, or because he was summoning the courage to touch me.
He finally drew close and held me, which delighted me very much, but I kept quiet
and pretended to be asleep.

To my greatest dismay, he didn't go further or do anything else to me, before we finally slept...
Hmmmm, anyway even though I was disappointed that night, my respect for him equally grew, because he behaved like a perfect gentleman.

We woke up very late the following morning and it was a steady knock on my door which really woke us up and the knock really forced me to open the door, when the person knocking refused to give up...
It was precisely 7:05 am, when I opened my door that fateful morning to see Danny standing on my door with his hand in his pocket, and a fixed smile on his face.

I slightly blocked the door with my body as I opened it,
Which prevented him from walking into my room, just like he did the previous day.
However he never showed any surprise for my action but instead continued to smile like a he-goat...
"how was your night, I came as soon as I woke up, because I want your face to be
the first thing I will see this morning
he said, while I smiled,
"thanks I'm very fine, but you also woke me from sleep"
I complained as I rubbed my eyes with my hand...
"I'm so sorry dear for waking you up, will you be going out today? "
he asked,
"Yea I will and why do you ask? "
"I just want to spend some time with you"
he explained, while I shrugged,
"well that will be another day "
I answered...

Instead of leaving, he stood there and watched me while I returned his gaze without knowing what else to say to him.
"you are indeed so beautiful dear,
and I will do anything just to win your heart
he said sweetly and fluently, and I smiled,
"thanks a lot, but you need not bother because you won't succeed. moreover I already have a guy "
I replied calmly, which made him to smile.
"you mean him?" he asked as he pointed towards Williams' room...
"Please I'm yet to brush nor clean up,
Let's talk later
I heard myself say to him, but just that moment, Kate appeared from no where and stood beside him, with a fake smile,
"babe good morning, I'm so sorry I was unable to show up yesterday, excuse me please "
She said playfully while my eyes shook, as my heart leaped, because Williams is still in my room.

Probably still in my bed, a situation I really didn't want her to witness, because I really haven't told her much about Williams, and she might misinterpret the whole thing...
"what's up girl, you don't want to let me in?"
She said again, while I hesitantly opened the door a little wider in order for her to enter.
"Anyway Danny, thanks for checking up on me, we will continue our discussion some other time " I said to him with a smile, as I closed my door.

With a fast beating heart, I turned to face them, but surprisingly I saw Williams seated at the edge of my bed, well composed and engrossed in his mobile phone, which he was playing with.
I breathed deeply....
Yet Kate still smiled and eyed me suspiciously as she turned to face me again.
"We will chat later since your friend is already here..."
I heard Williams say nervously, as he stood up and left, while I smiled as I locked my door before facing Kate again,
Who is still looking at me suspiciously as if she is just seeing me for the first time.
"I just noticed many things"
She said to me with a smile.
"Things like what? "
I asked, but she just shrugged...

Dear friend, hope you are not planning to hide this one away from me??

She asked with a little laugh.
"hope you are not planning to deny that you just slept with Williams??"
She asked me with all seriousness, while I gasped ...
"NO I didn't "
I seriously replied as I fell on my bed, and clutched my teddy bear with a smile.
"shut up! you liar "
I heard Kate say with a smile.
"Didn't Williams sleep here last night?"
She asked with all seriousness as if she was already aware that he did.
While I wondered whether she really knew, or was just trying to play with my
I breathed deeply and stared at her.
"Yes he did, but there was no sex "
I replied, while her face lit up momentarily with bright eyes,
Which immediately died away as she stared at me again in surprise.

"huh what did you just say?
Do you mean you two didn't.........?
She asked,
While I seriously nodded to her,
"Yea we didn't do anything, he is a complete and perfect gentleman "
I said with a smile....
"Pleaaaase, you wanna tell me that, you didn't wet your pants last night as you waited for him to do something?"
She asked with a naughty smile,
I laughed out loud...

I was on my way coming to your house last night when I saw you both sneaking into your room, so I decided to come here this early in order to confirm whether he actually slept here she explained.
"In fact Katie now I know you are jobless "
I said to her with a smile...
"So what's up with you and Danny? "
She enquired, while I shrugged.
"I don't know what is wrong with that guy, he just started showing interest in me "
I replied with a yawn,
"Please my dear friend you just have to be very careful with that wolf, and don't
mind his innocent face, in fact he is a devil in human clothing
" she advised me.

We chatted all through that morning happily, and we really had a great time, because Kate my friend never lacks topics on what to gist, so we ate together, laughed and joked till noon, before she left for her room.
I immediately freshened up as soon as she left, before calling Williams on phone, in order to know his whereabout.
"I went to see My uncle, I will be back shortly "
he replied,
"Do well to buy something for me on your way back, including Korean love movies "
I begged,
"ok madam I will"
he replied, while I smiled...
I barely ended the phone call when I heard someone knock on my door, I immediately knew it was Danny which really made my body temperature rise a bit.

I breathed deeply and reached for my door, which I quietly opened, while he stood at
the door with his usual deceiving smile.
"May I come in?"
he politely asked, while I nodded,
Opened my door wider and made way for him to enter my room, which he did with a confident smile on his face...
Danny calmly entered my room with a confident smile on his face.
I left my door ajar, and drew down my curtain,
because I really don't want to lock myself inside my room with him. "you are looking very lonely" he said with a smile as he sat on my bed.
I sat on a plastic chair and forced out a smile,
"thanks, but my God is alive "
I replied...
So what plans do you have for the rest of the day, he asked,
"I don't understand your question "
I replied as I gave him a curious look.
"How do you plan to spend the rest of the day?"
he asked,
"Ooops now I understand, anyway I have no plans other than to read my books, eat
and sleep
I replied a bit coldly,
"hmmm it's okay "
he muttered.

We stayed in silence for a while, which really was one of my boring moments that particular day. I sat uneasily on my chair and browsed with my phone,
as I equally prayed for Kate to show up and rescue me.
"There's going to be a show this evening in school, would you like to attend?"
he later asked.
I looked up in surprise and shook my head,
"Oh really?
how come I didn't hear about it
I muttered to myself loudly...
"So will you like to attend?"
I heard that Sheryl Crow would be coming? "
he asked anxiously, but I just bit my lips and looked away.

"No I don't think I will go "
I replied, even though I secretly was dying to attend such a show but then, I really couldn't accept to go out with such guy, whom I knew was all out to impress me, till he gets whatever he had in mind.
Moreover attending such a show with him, might end up into another thing which I equally was very scared to think of..

"What are you thinking "
he asked, stood up and drew close to me, while I immediately composed myself and smiled,
"nothing I'm fine "
I replied, and he squatted beside me and held my hands, I know you don't trust me,
I can see it in your eyes, but no matter the opinion you may have about me, just know that I'm also human who deserves to be shown Love and respect which you are not even showing to me.
He said as he stared into my eyes...

"What do you mean by that ? "
I asked but he laughed,
I can read your eyes, you despise me because you know I belong to a secret cult,
but dear if you should hear my story,
You won't really blame me at all.
he said calmly.

"I'm already in love with you which I can't help, please just take me as a friend"
It hurts me so much whenever you treat me like dirt, just like you did this morning.
Please I beg of you, don't look at my outside nature, but look inside me, and decide for yourself, whether I'm that bad.
he added, while his face changed as if he wanted to cry...

I really was touched by those words but it won't change anything, we will continue to be friends and nothing more, just as you asked for I replied...

It's okay by me, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

I heard him say as he stood up,
"what do you mean "
I asked in surprise, but he just laughed.
"don't mind me dear, it's really nothing"
he replied.
but I have one more request he added, while I turned and faced him.
"What is it? "
I asked.
"Please I need just a friendly hug from you to mark our friendship then I will leave"
he begged, while I bit my lips and looked away.
"c'mon what's so hard in it?
a friendly hug won't do you anything
he begged...

I shrugged as I breathed deeply, hesitantly drew close and hugged him, while he tightly held me a bit longer than I had in mind...


Unluckily Williams came in that very moment...
What an unlucky day for for a cart to race in the mud!
What do you think would happen????
Who knows....

Stay tuned for the next episode in 48hrs.
Next episode loading by 1 a.m UTC.
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