The Raven an the Osprey


Next day he spotted a big fat rat coming out of a hole. Without wasting time, the raven row swooped down. Like the osprey he tried to catch the rat in his claws.

But the rat saw the raven and moved away, the raven crashed against the mountain. “Eeeaaa!" cried the raven in pain.

Just then the osprey came flying down.

“I hope, now you know it is not easy to hunt and it is not easy to imitate, either," said the osprey and flew away.

The raven never imitated any one in its life. He embraced his God given abilities

3 months ago in a forest called sambisa, an osprey lived on the top of a mountain. At the foot of the mountain there was an old tree on which a raven used to perch every day. The raven was very obsess. He would imitate everyone.

Every day the osprey would fly down in search of food. The raven watched the osprey circling in the air for long hours and swooping down when he saw his prey. The osprey would spot his prey from the mountain and then fly down to pounce upon the prey. Gifted with eyes that could scan long distances.
“Hunh! If the osprey can do that”, I too can, and what does he think? Someday, I will show the osprey that I can do the same thing." said the raven.

A few days later,
The raven decided to circle in the air as the osprey was circling too. Suddenly a baby rabbit came out of the bushes. The osprey saw it and the raven too saw the rabbit.

Before the raven could move, the osprey swooped down, caught hold of the rabbit in his strong sharp talons and flew away. “Swoosh!" was all the raven heard as the osprey disappeared in the sky with his prey. “Hmmph! That is no great skill," thought the raven, angrily.

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