Stormkeeper: The Return! (23/09/23)

Well... coming soon.

A lot has happened since I last updated, to the extent that I've now moved, although equally, I have stayed in the same general area! In any case, between the move and other stuff, I've had a lot to deal with, and given I'm currently using a new laptop (third one in so many years, and also one that should last me a good while, once I've given it the recommended RAM stick - yes just the one!), so everything has been slow to get back on track! My current desktop is in the process of being phased out from that role, although it will be getting a CPU upgrade, because I have that spare, due to the updated build I have (still same generation as current) has completely new parts assigned to it, including an i7-4790K, and a GeForce 2060 Super!

I also decided now was a good time to go from 1080p to 1440p screens, although I'm not sure if I'll be able to do my videos at 1440p until my new-new build, but at the very least, I should be able to do 1080p/60 FPS videos and streams, although I don't have any content planned just yet; I'm hoping that I'll get back to doing videos by the end of the year at least... streaming, that'll likely be February at the earliest given I use January as my customary holiday/tidying up last year month, seeing as January represents a bit of a lull everywhere, especially given it's just after Xmas!

All that said though, I have a lot of stuff to update on this account, as well as also regaining access to @stormkeepersmdk, seeing as there is overlap with regards to this post, which will get reposted/shared to the account, with a few brand-specific updates and clarifications as there will be things not relevant in this post, as well as a few other things that need to be added. In any case, whilst I'm not exactly sure when I'll be more properly returning, all my social media will be getting a shakeup later in order to ensure that things are a bit more consistent across the board.

Of course, over the last while, I've also ended up on Mastodon, and as of today, BlueSky Social, and also TikTok, amongst others, and have also recently updated my Linktree as well, but I'll link that later on! I'm still working out how best to proceed with things, although I probably, definitely need to work out which platforms I want to update, as well as also setting up a system where I can make blog posts a bit more efficiently than I do now, given that I want to update here, my WordPress blog, and SubscribeStar at the bare minimum in terms of blogging.

All 3 of those platforms also allow for scheduled posts, so I'll be taking advantage of that feature! Unfortunately, I no longer can crosspost from WP to Twitter, hence why that's being depreciated... that and it's set to implode at any time now, I'm pretty certain! One thing I definitely need to also consider as well is given that I'm also getting UBI on this platform for a lot of posts that I make, I need to start factoring this place more into my income and sustainability plans whilst I sort all of that across all of the professional Stormkeeper-related brands! At some point, I do also want to create an account dedicated to my "creative pursuits", which currently includes photography, but will probably extend into writing, as well as also music, although I need to learn how to play an instrument first, as well as also learning about electronic music production!

In any case, I'm going to attempt to do some more streamlining with regards to my social presences and automate where I can, although I am thinking about linking to my blog posts on here or WordPress on Steem as well, or giving some serious thought into making weekly summary posts on there, if the platform is even viable to post anything at this point, seeing as I also have the UBI token there too - in fact that's where it originated from! - so inactivity there literally means I'm throwing money away, however small it is; I'm not really making anything anywhere else right now, apart from the (pretty rare) Twitch sub, although at the same time, I need to fix stuff on there too!

Ultimately though, I need to shake up a lot, as well as also making things more efficient for me where I can, though having the ability to schedule posts definitely helps with that goal! Either way, I'm not entirely sure when I'll be leaving Twitter for good, but I need to at least ensure I've backed everything up first as I gradually lock down my accounts, and stop posting from them altogether; I need to at least keep the usernames safe if nothing else!

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