Thunderstorms rolling through at 4am - Glad i wasn't trying to sleep....


A rare un-seasonal thunderstorm rolled through Jervis Bay in the early hours of the morning with some super loud thunder.

I shot for a good hour before deciding that it would likely start raining soon and the lightning had died down a little bit so maybe that was it for the night. Starting walking the long walk back to the car and was just walking up off the sand into the bush when there was this tremendous BANG! Scared the living shit out of me!!! That bang was lightning striking nearby so i decided to head back down to the beach to see how close (i had been shooting with a large zoom lens this whole time so i wanted to get some shots up close with my wide angle).
Just as i walk out of the bush and onto the sand this gigantic lightning strike hits the water about 40m in front of me.. BOOM CRASH BANG, once again i jump atleast 10m into the air! The noise was insane! My ears were ringing and i was just standing there like a stunned mullet shaking...
That was enough for me to decide i should just go home and i did! Luckily just as i got back to the car it started pouring down with rain!

This was a definite reminder for myself of how dangerous shooting storms can be. Prior to these two lighting strikes i was shooting lightning that would have been about 15 - 20km away. Then boom out of nowhere the storms right on top of me.
Not only that i was all alone and in a National Park at 4 in the morning. Not many other people around to help if something had gone wrong!

That said it doesn't deter me just reminds me to be more diligent and to always con someone to come with me!

Happy and safe shooting!

This image was shot with a Canon 5D Mk IV and a Tamron 28-300mm Lens.
Camera Settings were:-
f/11 28seconds ISO1600

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