Storms That Strengthen Us

Sometimes there may be moments when we're in the middle, but without realizing what's really happening. Sometimes we don't understand what things are and how they are, what most of us do without even being aware of it.

I don't know if he's good or bad, but it's a pity that they're trying to drag their circle around. It is sad to be guided by people who see life outside of breathing. Let him live, people.

Everything in life is not always what we want. What should we do when we are faced with situations that we don't want, how should we behave? And I think this is about being in a lifelong learning effort.

Because life is not uniform, it would be very boring if it were. With the pain of dessert, good days, bad days of living our lives in hard times, what to do, what we do not know what to do situations such as storms, challenges. But they are the ones who strengthen us.

It is silenced, suppressed, showing only tolerance, but lost. People can not smile against the pain, should show their pain, cry and happiness in the face of the laughter should be, instead of suppressing the feelings should show. Break down the prejudices in your life and get back. You're life, and you're precious.

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