A day like today: Lady Godiva


Duke Leofric, an English nobleman, owned large tracts of land, and he also believed himself the owner of the lives of the human beings who lived there.

The nobleman had everything: lands, castles, waters, money, meadows, fields and wanted more; That's why we have improved taxes.

But while he had more and more, people had less and less and the situation became untenable.

And the Duke, in addition to everything he had, had something he had never suspected: a brave and supportive woman, sensitive and intelligent, who understood the needs of the poorest. She confronted her husband and said: "Our wealth is due to the poor of this land, our castles and luxuries, the fruit of their work, our well-being is explained by their pain and sacrifice."

The duke swore at the word, but she stood firm and demanded to protect the poor. Leofric, mockingly, told him that he could only do if she was able to go through the town.

At that time, even today, such was an absolute era, absolutely. But the surprise of time left him paralyzed when she accepted it, and in the meantime reminded him of his commitment: "It's okay, I'll do it, time has been lost in the town and you will eliminate the new taxes. yours".

Her name was Lady Godiva, and she called the people. All agree not to go out and close doors and windows so as not to see her, so she could walk naked.

And indeed she did, naked, mounted on a white horse, walked the streets while everyone remained locked. Her husband had to recognize the victory of that respectful people and that courageous woman and was forced to lower taxes.

For the pride of humans and of women in particular, this happened on a day like today, May 31, 1040.

Statue of Lady Godiva in Broadgate, Coventry

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