Old Folks-R-Us - Deep discounts for those recently old.

I pass by this place not far from home.

Canes, walkers, wheel chairs.

I guess that tells you about my neighborhood, since it would seem that there is a need one of these stores close by...

This shop is quaint and necessary I guess. They actually had a paying customer in there today.

I had injured my knee in a biking accident a couple years back and I hobbled around for about three months while it healed. Stairs were a big thing. If I had known about this place I would have at least gotten a cane to help me get around.

I thought I would have to go to the doctor because it was all purple, front and back, but I hoped and tolerated the pain. People who saw it said I should go to the hospital, but what could they really do at the hospital? I am funny that way - avoid doctors at all cost. I got better. The body has an amazing way of healing even the worst of injuries.


If I ever get injured again - hey let's pray I don't - but if I do. Here is the place.

I am not getting all in your face on the old folks. I'll be there in a couple decades.


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