Stop Wasting Money on Junk - Grant Rant, amazing one


Do you need it do you want it do you have to have it? Is it essential? Cause I don't think it is. I don't think you have to have it. I don't think you actually really need it as much as you think you do. What am I talking about? I'm talking about look man, your spending money on junk when you don't need it. Look at my little headphones. I know guys walking around with five and six hundred dollar headphones and I got my little freebies that came with my phone. Why? What's the difference? You know why? Because I want to bank cash. I need money. I need emergency funds. I need to treat money like its sacred. Truth is, most people don't like money. I know they don't like money. You know how I know they don't like money? Do you like money? No, I don't think you do. You know why I don't think you do, because as soon as you get some you get rid of it. You buy shit with it. While your buying stuff, you know what I'm doing? I'm banking cash! Why am I telling you this today? Because the U.S. savings rate is hitting low standards again. 2.5%. The savings rate in this country was over 6.5% for 30 years. Now its collapsed again. What are you doing? I was recently with a banker. My banker asked me what I live on every month and I said I live on this much money. He looked at me and said, that is impossible. It is impossible for a guy like you, I know where you live, I know the kind of lifestyle you gotta have, I've googled you, impossible for you to live on that. I said no It aint dude. He said look I know how much money you make man. Its impossible. It would be just ridiculous. I can't even think with it. I'm like check it out bro. Thats what I live on. Why? Its not like I'm dieing. I don't need to spend a lot of money. I don't waste money. The money that I save is sacred. It's there to protect me and my future. It's not there to buy junk and stuff that I don't need that I just wanted for a second. Don't want tomorrow but that I'm going to need that money later for problems or opportunities. Look you need to sit down with your spouse and you guys get on the same page. Dude, what are you going to work for everyday? I don't go to work to work. I hate that saying. I don't want tony going to work to work. I don't want anybody in my organization going to work to work. I want you to go to work to prosper. Go to work for freedom. This is what wealthy people do different then everybody else. Wealthy people work for freedom. They're working not for comfort items. Not for a weekend. They're working for freedom man. Bank your doe. If you don't have any leftover money, then make more doe. Make some cake and then push it away and then go back out in the marketplace and make some more cake for you and your family so you can have some freedom and, one day, you can kick back. One day a long time from now. Then you can kick back.

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