Be Able to Make Holes...

And more importantly, be able to plug holes...

As a nursing student and former infantryman I'm a firm believer in the mantra of "** Do No Harm, Do Know Harm...** " but this isn't about guns right now...


Another tragedy has struck an American school and just like clock work the activists on both sides of the gun debate are out in full force. Right along with the conspiracy/false-flag folks here on Steemit.

I'm an ardent supporter of our Second Amendment, but now is not the time.

I think we need to focus more on our response to future events. Nothing will be done about guns overnight. But teaching teachers, school administrators, and students of all levels how to treat Massive Hemorrhage could be accomplished in a relatively short time.

It is not rocket science, but applying a tourniquet or pressure bandage does require some instruction.

The Stop the Bleed initiative is primarily a program sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security. It should be taught in every school from daycares to universities.

Mass Casualty trauma kits should be placed right along side AEDs in public places.

CPR and AED classes are widely taught and accepted as a good thing. It's time we do the same for stopping blood loss.

If you need help trying to find something in your area I'll gladly help as much as I am able.
If all else fails reach out to your local fire department or police department, they may be able to put something together.

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