The Stock Market. Maybe it's time to get out of Dodge?

Many years ago I had a client who opened a restaurant that literally produced revenue for him 7 days a week non stop. About two years into the business in a conversation one day he told me that he was selling the business. Completely shocked I asked him why and he said "my father always told me to sell at the top". This leads me to the stock market which I believe is all artificial. Business today over all is not booming as the news would lead you to believe. Most of the companies that are showing big profits are either cooking the books or in bead with the government. GM (government motors) stock is up and Ford who took no bail out money is flat or down. Manipulations never last indefinitely and the Dow at these levels won't either unless we go into a hyperinflation. Then the money doesn't buy anything anyway. See the link below.


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