Quick Lesson on Breaking the Rules !

This is a quick lesson why breaking the rules and being impatient in the stock market is bad !

So Today $TZOO went up a lot today and I missed out big time due to my impatience . My position was about 100 shares at 8.55 and I sold at 8.75 for a profit of $5.31 . Due to the price action I misjudged it in the morning and got out early honestly my reasoning was " this can't go any farther and need to get out ." Due to my lack of disciplined . I missed out big time ! I'm a little bummed out but it happens. You can learn from your failures and this was one example in my case . Now i know better not to miss judge the price action and study more. But plays will come and go and my lesson is learned . I hope you can learn from my mistakes .


Why only 100 shares ?

Because I want to experience the stock market and trade without having huge losses !

So Stay Classy Steemit

-Your Pal Jon

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