What is Android 9 Pie?

Google has recently launched a new android os version. And that's name is PIE. Its version is 9.

New Things Of PIE

  1. Adaptive Battery
  2. Adaptive Brightness
  3. App Actions
  4. Simple UI
  5. Easy Copy Paste
  6. Digital Wellbeing

Adaptive Battery

This is a new technology where google watches that which apps are frequently used. Then it does not let other not frequently used apps to use power and run in the background.

Adaptive Brightness

This is a new technology where google watches that what is the time and it is day or night. After recognizing this google adjust the screen brightness according to outsider brightness.

App Actions

This is a new technology where google watches that after a certain work what you are doing. Example: after connecting the earphone to the jack the google will see that which frequently app do you use after plugging earphone. Then it will suggest you open your frequently used apps.


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