Thoughts on Steve Aoki's interview on gender equality...

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Steve Aoki was recently interviewed on Channel 4 news and he gave his thoughts on female DJs. He feels that male festival DJs should stand aside to allow these female DJs to have their chance to shine.


This statement I find to be very silly, and I'll tell you why.

But first let me explain what a festival DJ is, and how that differs from other DJs.

A festival DJ is any performer that is booked to play at giant dance music festivals. Sometimes it can be one person, or even more.

There are other types of DJs, such as those found in nightclubs, weddings, radio, yoga clubs, etc. Basically they all do the same thing, and that's to provide music for a crowd.

The DJ scene has generally always been male dominated, and there are quite a multitude of reasons for this. Having been a DJ for the past 18 years, it mostly boiled down to the fact that is a male-oriented profession. In the past, DJ equipment was not only expensive but required a bit of knowledge in knowing how to use it as well. Generally audio equipment was more of an interest to men than women. Only within recent times has there been the rise of the female DJ. I feel that with how much deejaying technology has improved, this has allowed a generally wider audience, including women, to get their foot into the door.


To make it big in the DJ scene nowadays, is dependent on the drive a person has. Sure it's easier having connections but you still need to have the talent as well. With the addition of many female festival DJs constantly being booked, I feel that is the proof that female DJing is on the rise. It should be dependent on talent and drive, and by Steve Aoki saying male DJs need to stand on the side only discredits the hard work that many female DJs have put over the years. This does not even include all the word class female DJs that play in the underground dance music circuit as well.

Steve, just stick to throwing cakes as your opinions aren't helping DJs or parties at all.

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