The Definitive Guide To PageDAO + Meta-Builders Bounty Hunting



Users who wish to use the PageDAO + Meta-Builders Bounty Board will need to procure two things before they are able to post a bounty: A PageDAO Membership (2022) NFT on the Polygon Blockchain, and some $PAGE, on either Ethereum or Polygon.

The Membership (2022) NFT serves as a trustless permission anyone can get, but the user has a bit of skin in the game: submit content that is plagiarized or otherwise legally problematic, and the DAO can vote to burn the membership NFT you used as well as the content you minted to the PageDAO collection. This allows PageDAO to leverage Web3 Technology to scale publishing in a more open fashion than has been possible during prior eras of the written word.

The NFT Membership serves as permission which is effective to grant access to all PageDAO technologies, but which grants persistent community access over time and participation only upon the basis of repeated buy-in (financial penalty) or good behavior, allowing the DAO to experiment with permissionless publishing but without running too many legal risks around copyright and plagiarism with no recourse of action to protect itself.

Likewise, on the financial side, the $PAGE token enables users to benefit from the economic properties of a system with literature and compensation in mind. The token is purchased by Clients before Bounties can be Posted, which provides utility to the token. Additionally, the token can be used for a voice in governance, providing Writers with an opportunity to hold it to earn rewards for staking it and participating in on-chain governance proceedings to determine and shape the future of the PageDAO. The greater the volume of Bounties, the greater the buy pressure on the $PAGE token and therefore the healthier the financial ecosystem.

The FOUR Main Bounty Hunting Steps

There are FOUR main steps to Bounty Hunting for Clients and for Writers (Initial Meta-Builders Partner Content Marketing Process):

Consultation + Deposit

Bounties can be open to the public, require an application (or not!), or even be reserved for a specific party–the easy process to register one involves simply getting in touch with a PageDAO Team Member for now, but will soon be more automatic and open.

PageDAO Team Members will walk you through making a Deposit to the Project Multisig on-chain, and move forward with your project once the Deposit is received. Consultation phase begins before the Deposit is received, and can continue afterward depending upon agreement by Writer and Client and the complexity of the Article. You can find the PageDAO Discord here:


The Writer will discuss the concept with the Client and Draft the Article. It will be important for Clients to have open availability to move forward with Article Bounties immediately following submission of the Bounty to facilitate a rapid start to Drafting. During Drafting, a Reviewer will be selected. Reviewers will work with Writers to ensure optimal Article quality.


PageDAO Reviewers will facilitate the best possible articles on request for Content Marketing, but due to the breadth and depth of talents represented by the ~450 Official PageDAO Members active today we are seeking to begin to scale the Review Board immediately. To earn a position as a Reviewer, and a 10% commission on bounties Reviewed, simply complete twelve (12) bounties on the new Meta-Builders + PageDAO DeWork Board.


Once an article has been through the Consultation & Deposit, Drafting, and Review phases, it is ready for Release to the Client. Upon Release of a Reviewed Draft Article to Client as Finished Article, Writer (90%) and Reviewer (10% commission) are paid out by Multisig Wallet Transaction.

When in doubt, hop into the PageDAO Discord server and ASK your questions :)

Bounty Board Development In Progress:

  1. a User Flow to introduce non-DeWork-familiar Writers and Bounty Creators to the Bounty Board
  2. Rules and walkthroughs for new users to become familiar with the intricacies of of DeWork so that the Board can begin to scale
  3. Test Bounties funded by WIP Publishing to allow First Generation Reviewers to become familiar with the process & speed scaling
  4. For SitkaWorld???
  5. For TokenSmart???
  6. For Cipher?
  7. For PizzaDAO?
  8. For Hashmasks?
  9. For Cent?
  10. For Soltype?
  11. For Jenkins?
  12. Bankless Bounty Board Integration?
  13. Other DAOs in and around the literary Web3 scene welcome here too!

Specific DAO Funding Plans:

  1. For Pass the Pen - 20k $PAGE from WIP Publishing, 50% for Coordinator, 50% for Team for first Month
  2. For Vagobond Magazine - 20k $PAGE from WIP Publishing, 50% for Coordinator, 50% for Team for first Month
  3. For WIP Publishing (currently ⅓ of issuance is allocated here, about 166k $PAGE per month) - specialized Board with WIPP Branding promoting things PageDAO Development Team considers most relevant.
    i. currently in progress:
    a. $PAGE integration
    b. Multichain Minter design & development
    c. buildout
    d. Cosmwasm programming education for the WIPP Dev team
    e. Fundraising efforts to minify dependency upon $PAGE to fund dev
  4. For Cryptoversal Books - a Minting dApp to enable minting directly to


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