A message for you 1 #: "Stop crying"

Hello steemianos brothers, from today I will begin a new serié titled #UnMensajeParaTi by means of this, with the help of God I will be giving an impulse to your life. I do not seek to make the path easier, because it is a process that you have to go through but I seek to inspire you so that you can reach the end of the road. The eternity.


I do not know how many times you have gone through the same situation, how many times you have felt that your life is not good for anything else but for suffering. Suffer, cry and cry. You think that everything that happens around you is because of some hidden sin, condemnation comes to your head and you think that you have been rejected. But let me tell you, it's not about that. You have been chosen in the furnace of affliction, you have been chosen to be God's masterpiece, your potential is unimaginable. But there is a shell, a shell that is preventing the total manifestation of the purposes, of the dream, of your mission on this earth. That is where the supernatural hand of a Being that works in your favor comes in, a Being who directs your ways with great care, ordering each step and each circumstance, so that everything works for your good.

Then why have you given yourself to pain? Say enough to the hours of confinement in your room, just to cry for the same situation. Tell him this far, the pain that you have been dragging for a long time, for the loss of that loved one, for the break with a couple or for whatever you have lost, understand that you must let it go, let it go and stop crying.

Understand that if you lose you do not win. Understand that the one who reaches the final goal is not the one who runs faster, but the one who has the attitude to stay firm on the road and if you fall. Get up again. And if you fall. Again, get up. And another. And another. Until you have developed the necessary resistance to never fall again. And as I told you at the beginning, leave that place of sadness and depression where you have locked yourself, your life is hidden in God. Do not hide it.

You know? Jesus said: In the world you will have affliction. But you know? He also said: I have overcome the world. This means that you were born a victor, you were born to overcome grief and pain, you were born to overcome poverty, you were born to overcome loneliness, you were born to win once more, you were born to win, again and again, you want me to prove it ? Do you know who said it? Jesus.

Because everything that is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has defeated the world: our faith. 1 John 5: 4

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