The Value of Patent Plaques


If your business thrives on keeping innovators motivated, you need to consider the value of patent plaques. With patent plaques, you can keep the environment centered around accomplishment while showing your innovators how much you appreciate them.

What are patent plaques?

Patent plaques are the new way to display pride in inventions. Similar to a letter of recognition in purpose, it displays the name of the company or innovator, along with the patent title and number.

Patent plaques also include a description of the invention, patent acknowledgement letter, and date of issue. In essence, it’s an award of achievement for inventors that can be displayed and appreciated indefinitely.

The Value of Patent Plaques

Patent plaques stand out as effective recognition and motivation tools among companies and individuals alike.

Here are some of the best reasons to implement a patent plaque program:

Increased ambition and motivation

A classy visual reminder of one’s achievements is a constant motivator for further innovation. That ambition extends beyond just the achieving inventor; others are further motivated to achieve recognition for their pursuits.

When employees are visually reminded of appreciation for success, they strive to continue to maintain a successful track record.

A happier workplace

When a company shows appreciation and recognition for employees’ hard work, an attitude boost occurs. Workplace moral is shown to be higher when workers are shown recognition. Ultimately this leads to higher productivity as well as company loyalty.

The chance to earn equal and surpassing recognition among employees creates an atmosphere of fun, healthy competition as well as a common goal of achievement.

Continued success

When you begin a patent plaque recognition system, you have plenty of room to award especially high producers, and motivate others to do likewise. There’s a patent plaque, and then there’s milestone patent plaques.

Depending on what your company determines standard production numbers and what goes beyond, you can institute milestone plaques to motivate inventors to reach that next level.

Whether you want to make special plaques for the first 5 inventions, every 10 inventions, or anything you deem appropriate, you’ll know employees are looking to hit that milestone.

Types of Patent Plaques
Patent Plaques and Awards

This general type of patent plaque recognizes achievement, namely that of an inventor or company gaining a patent. Customizable with patent specifics and names of individual parties, these are usually made onto a metallic surface with some classic embellishments.

Patent Display Plaque

These patent plaques are made for being put into a display. Uniform, sleek, and streamlined, they can be used by companies to display patent achievements by employees and contributors, generally to go on a designated plaque wall.

Patent Wall Plaque

Patent wall plaques are often featured in a visible place to employees and visitors, like the front lobby, for instance. These plaques are fitted along a wall designed to incorporate multiple plaques, whether it’s 10 or 1,000. Once the space is set, they’re easily removed, added, and rearranged.

Patent Certificate Plaque

Patent certificate plaques celebrate the earning of a patent. They follow the style and format of US patent certificates, with some embellishment of course. They include details like the patent number, contributing parties, description of the invention, eagle seal, and issue date

Software Patents

With the surging rise of technological innovation, more and more companies and developers are choosing to protect their creations with patents. If your company is in this industry, software patents can not only protect your creative property, but can also increase your prosperity.

When you’ve invested in creating new software of any kind, the protection of a patent can be the difference between making a profit or not, and whether or not your technology becomes the next big thing or not.

Patent plaques are an enduring display of achievement for inventors, and appreciation from employers. They provide a much-needed boost to fast paced, production focused workplaces, as well as a boost to a company’s reputation when displayed for visitors.

If the prestigious air about having a patent plaque display isn’t enough, the workplace benefits of a plaque program is enough to convince anyone of the value of patent plaques.

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