Steeve Now in Public Beta: Personal Recommendations and the World Without Bidbots & Voting Trails

Steeve is a new platform running on Steem which uses AI to find interesting content for you. We released an alpha version about a month ago and we have been tirelessly working on it since then, incorporating all user feedback we got (see all changes since the last update). Let us take you through all major features Steeve has to offer now that we are going Beta!

Log in using SteemConnect

To fully interact with the blockchain (comment, vote, and do all the stuff you usually do on Steem) you need to authenticate using SteemConnect. Or if you just want to look around first and see the content Steeve found for you, you can select the Browse content only option. You can upgrade the posting authority later when you find something worth a vote or a comment.

Feed with Personal Recommendations

Ever felt tired of seeing content from the same authors in your feed day after day? And then getting lost in the tons of new posts when desperately searching the New section? Personal recommendations should help you with that. We have been waiting so long for somebody to implement this feature until we had to do it ourselves. Steeve recommends posts you might like based on your past activity on the blockchain - what posts you upvoted, who you follow, etc. You will find the recommendations mixed up with posts from your normal Steem feed.

Read Next

When you finish reading a post you really enjoyed, do you sometimes feel like you could read one more? Then the Read Next section is the right thing for you! If possible, Steeve will show you this section with suggestions of posts you might enjoy reading next based on the popularity among the other readers. We personally love this feature. :)

The World without Bidbots & Voting Trails

This will be probably one of the most controversial features Steeve has, but we just couldn’t help it and had to give it a try :)

Some people use bidbots every day and are happy that their voice can be heard even though they don’t sit on a huge pile of Steem Power. Other people would never do it and think that vote buying is bad for Steem. Well, now everybody has the chance to see for themselves what the world would look like without them!

When browsing a category (aka tag), Steeve filters out the automated votes for you so that you can see the trending posts as measured by the genuine user votes. The percentage of these genuine user votes is also shown side by side with the ordinary number of votes (highlighted below with the pink bounding box).

Your Section

The last part of our new platform is the section you will find after clicking on your avatar in the top right corner. Here you can conveniently see your blog, comments & replies, as well as your wallet and all your activity on the blockchain. This section should currently allow you to monitor all your interactions with others, and we will be adding more clever features on the go.

All the Little Tweaks..

There are more things on Steeve which you will hopefully find useful. For example, you can star stories you like so that you can get back to them later as well as bookmark your favorite categories. Or when writing a post you will see its preview side by side with the editor. And other little tweaks like that are all over, just get there already and find out for yourself!

...and don’t forget to let us know what you think!

Who we are

We - @mor, @void and @hr1 - are a team of AI enthusiasts who want to leverage the technology for improving the user experience here on Steem blockchain.

Help us improve!

We are constantly testing new things and we need to hear what you think! We appreciate feedback - your votes, comments or ideas for improvement :)

For the web application-related problems we use an issue tracker. Or you can just comment under the post or contact us on our discord channel:

For upcoming updates don’t forget to follow @steeveapp!

Your Steeve team.

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