
So yeah basically I went to a talk last week held by an organisation calles Cendana.

You might wonder what is Cendana is all about? It's an arts organisation that develops and promotes cultural economy in Malaysia.

I'm a bit confused what it's all about so I went to check it out. It's a free entry talk which it'll need to register through online of getting a tickets.

It's understandably important for younger generations to expose and understand the importance of art in Malaysia.

During that talk, Cendana introduce themselves, letting to know that there are organisations that want to help for the ones who are looking for funds into their arts project. For example, independent music, theater, films, heritage, visual arts and other related fields that connect with cultural economy.

We also been introduce how to get a tax deduction whenever certain events that been made which is to cut your costs and save yourself. It was a very informative talk and let's us understand more about how this organisations works. And it is very important for us in Sabah to know that this organisations exists and it might help for any independent artists that are currently looking for funds to move forward.

I've met some of musicians that attended to that event, I'm gladly to know that they are still doing music eventhough the city had been slept for long time and quite frankly less to see indie artists that exist in this city of Sandakan. So I hope with Cendana, it might do something for us here.

Happy Faces

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