Going back memory lane.

I was going to post this yesterday. But I’m too tired from my drive. So here we go. I took the long way back home yesterday from daddy’s Kampung. From Labuk - Paitan - Pitas - Kota Marudu - Kota Belud to Tuaran.

This is the 1st road an actual road that I drove when I was just learning how to drive. Back then we used to take this road to go back to daddy’s kampung. It’s was longer than using Ranau road but we love using this road cause my siblings and I got a chance to drive 😂😂. It was back when I was 14 years old using daddy’s old Safari or maybe It was the old Land Cruiser I don’t really remember. And we had to put two extra pillow on the seat so I could reach the paddles (It was manual btw and I was short😌). And this road is filled with potholes (like in the picture) but event worst back then. So I learn how to speed up, how to overtake slow car (I was going 60km/h guys don’t worry my parents knows safety), how to deal with potholes and everything on this road. And going back here made me remember the time that we had having road trips. It was really fun and I always treasure the memories. Hope I can have road trips with family again soon. ♥️

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