SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #9


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1

Happy Forkin'

With the coming Hardfork 20 there is an exciting week ahead and I'm glad to see many improvements arriving us in just a few days from now. The fact that we will again receive SBD instead of STEEM with our post rewards (as long as the 'SBD Debt Ratio' stays below 10%) will be one of the first noticeable changes for many of us. Thanks to @timcliff's pull request this change may even lead to a higher STEEM price in the long term as he explained in his related post.

Keep in mind that you now may want to vote new posts 15 minutes earlier in order to receive maximum curation rewards, since the payout for curators of coming posts will be calculated with the new logic introduced in HF20 ;)

May the fork be with us!

In the making

Hardfork 20

Preparations for coming changes in HF20

  • Curation rewards calculation, liquid SBD / STEEM post payouts, SBD payouts for beneficiaries and support for new operation types.

Account creation

  • Planning to implement a new tool to be able to create Steem accounts on SteemWorld. Thanks to @paulag for bringing the importance of such a feature to my attention! It may take some time, but I will do my best to get this running soon ;)

Block / Transaction Explorer

  • This important but still missing feature will be implemented in the coming days. The details of each account operation now contain a new 'Transaction Info' field, where we can see the block number, transaction id, transaction index and operation index. The numbers will be clickable so that we can jump directly to the Block Explorer to be able to see all details of the related block / transaction.

Improved Recent Posts Overview

  • Planning to add different views (list, miniature, date) and a possibility to find / navigate to older posts in a more comfortable way.

  • Improving the post refresh logic to take some load from the connected nodes. Only refresh posts when needed and there have been coming in related account operations.

Recent changes

Outgoing Delegations

  • Since the old 'edit delegation' image button did not contain a textual description for its purpose, it was not clearly noticeable that one can edit an existing outgoing delegation by just clicking on it. I changed it to a normal text button and additionally added a new one to be able to directly remove a delegation with a click:

  • When clicking the 'X' button to remove a delegation there will pop up a confirmation dialog:

Inactive Witnesses

  • The witness overview now shows the status of each witness. Strike-through names indicate that these witnesses are currently not using their real signing key and therefore are inactive:

Page-Refresh Improvements

  • As the site grows, it becomes more and more important to only refresh the visible areas on the page in order to keep it fast and stable even on older devices. I've already made some changes regarding to this in the recent days, but a few more are about to come soon.


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Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much Love,

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