My nephew's Mona Lisa - not Photoshopped!

In my previous post ( I mentioned how I was in Washington DC for about a day and a half. I knew I wouldn't be able to shoot everything so I had to be selective (due to the time constraint).

So I decided to bring my Pixelstick with me to create some dramatic light painting images at night with my newphew.

We shot several images in front of the Capitol building, the Washington Monument and this image was taken in front of the Lincoln Memorial.


Once we shot this image we felt that it was no point in shooting any further as it was a masterpiece and we probably wouldn't be able to do better! Plus it was already 12:30 in the morning.

As a side note - the Pixelstick got us detained by Secret Service as the parks department helicopter saw unusual lights while they were doing their sweep of the park because Trump was going to be flying in at any moment!

The funny thing is I was also filming a video tutorial on us shooting with the Pixelstick so I've got the full conversation recorded between us and the officer. When we listened back to it later I realized he said that we can't leave for about 5 minutes or until he tells us to - which essentially means we were detained - lol. We didn't get in trouble as he saw we were just two photo nerds and his mind was blown when we showed him the images we were capturing. And as another side note Trump flew right over us in the Marine 1 helicopter. It was a cool, hilarious and surreal moment!

And speaking of photo nerds - here's the settings used for the photo:

LocationWashington DC
CameraCanon 5d Mark iii
Lens16-35mm f4
Shutter Speed13s

Stay tuned for more images from our trip to DC coming this week (probably a lot of ligh painting stuff lol).



And if you're wondering how we did it - take a look at the Pixelstick's website:

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