Coffee and Philosophy: The Edge

Today's mug is giving us a view from the edge. Staring into that frothy abyss and not knowing what will stare back at you can be scary or exhilarating.


I have embraced a new philosophy over the last several months and I want to share it with you all today. I wont get into all of my beliefs on time as that isn't really what this is about, but it's actually about the past, the future, and that fine line in between called the present. I used to spend way too much time worrying about past mistakes or living a life based on fear and scarcity of the future. Due to some fairly life changing events, I decided to start practicing mindfulness and not thinking about the past or future so much. I still have things that I hope to accomplish and I still have things to learn from the past, but the problem is that when we dedicate the majority of our life to dwelling on those things, we miss all of the life that is happening right now. Meditation is great for clearing our heads and formulating cohesive direction in our lives. I encourage everyone to try living life a little more on the edge! It's a very fun and freeing feeling! Namaste.

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