Coffee and Philosophy: Creation

Today's mug was found while browsing for some inspiration to create a meaningful post.
It's about creation, because we are the source of creation.

I have been thinking a lot over the last few days about love and fear. It's interesting that they both have the power to create and destroy and ultimately both exist to balance out the other. Love can create wonderful things and relationships and also breakdown barriers and toxic beliefs. Fear can destroy love and create walls of isolation and unhealthy self images. These are just examples as both have the ability to be used on a much wider scale and for different purposes. I choose to focus my fears on self reflection and developing into the best version of myself. I find that doing this allows me to share more of my creativity and love with the world. It's always about balance and wholeness, but understanding the base levels of our emotions and what causes them allows for greater creation or perhaps destruction if we so choose. I know which one I choose, which do you choose? Namaste.

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